Chapter 84 Sam

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I appreciated what Jack was trying to do, but as soon as I seemed to get use to one thing, something else came up.

Halfway into our lesson and before the hard part, controlling my lust and blocking the others out, I asked Jack. "How do you and Lawrence know this?" I had been wondering that for a while, but they usual got right into their lesson and I always forgot to ask.

"We all do this to an extent. It helps keep are animal in control especially when anger or lust is involved. But when you are an Alpha or Leader, it's even more important. For the people we change we have a constant link to them. Even the ones we don't, the link is still there, but more of a whisper, I guess that is the best way to describe it. I have over 600 pack members and if I didn't know how to control what I was feeling I would have lost my mind many years ago. Just like when you felt sick. That was increased when you could feel all the negative emotions, which always seem to be the strongest. Just imagine 600 emotions hitting you from all sides' day and night," he explained.

That, I could not even image. What I felt now was sometimes overwhelming. Then another question came to mind. "Um, Jack? What about Katie?" Katie was a wolf that was beaten, raped, and later killed back in June. I wanted to know, but regretted it as soon as it came out of my mouth.

Jack seemed to deflate at the question. "I tried, but whoever had her broke our connection. See when a new member joins another pack there is a kind of ceremony that needs to take place. As an Alpha we are to bite the newest member, and taking of blood and flesh is involved and that is the same for the new member. We give them our blood and flesh to complete the new bond. That will break the connection with the old pack and let you be part of the new one. Even if done by force the result can be the same especially with a weaker member. Only the strongest members of a pack can fight the bond of the new pack, but the break of the previous pack will still be broken," Jack sighed, and rubs his forehead. "Katie's bond was broken even before I realized she was missing. I did not change her so our link wasn't as strong, plus she was very much a submissive wolf which is why I couldn't feel the bond break," he explained.

I felt like a heel for bring it up, but at the same time it helped me understand more about the pack connection. "Thank you for sharing that with me," I gave him a small smile, "And no offence, but I'm sure as hell glad I'm not you," I admitted.

Jack laughed wholeheartedly. "That's how I feel about you too, Sam." Jack turned his head slightly, "Right on time," he said getting up and walking to the door. "We are going to change things up today," he said letting in two men I had never seen before.

Scrambling to my feet, "What are you talking about?" I had a bad feeling about this. That mischievous glint in his eyes was not reassuring.

"Your blocking is going very well and since you told me about what you have been dealing with we are going to use Brad and Mark to distract you."

Brad and Mark were gorgeous; both hard body's, one light complexion with fair hair and the other darker complexion with black hair. "Uh uh, I'm not ready for that." I looked everywhere but at the two gorgeous hard bodies that just walked through the door. I knew they were amazing to look at, but at the same time, I was blocking them out of my view and my mind. Today has already been a rough enough day, and it was barely noon. Once I thought about it, I wasn't really attracted to them, which was a huge bonus. Fear could have contributed to that.

"Too bad," Jack said.

I tried to per sway Jack and that was a waste of breath. Gritting my teeth, I gave up and started the lesson. I never made eye contact with Brad and Mark, hoping all the guards I had up would not crash. Until this morning I only worried about the men I loved and now my best friend Mason, but after Quinn my confidence was shot to hell and really did not want to fall over these two new men like a crazed horny teen. I did apologize and reassured them it had nothing to do with them, and to please not take offence to my hostility. They seem to understand and shrugged it off. If anything, they found the situation amusing.

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