Chapter 15 Sam

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Lounging in the living room, reading one of Mady's magazines, since she kicked me out of the kitchen for my severe lack of cooking skills. Not that I minded at all, cooking was right up there with pulling out my own teeth.

Hearing the doorbell chime, I jumped up a little too quickly. Was I bored? "Mady I got it!" Through the glass door, I saw the very stunning Mason, with his jovial smile, loose fitted black tank top with a beige pair of walking shorts. Sun rays shining on his strawberry blonde hair gave him a halo effect, he looked like an angel. That was until you saw that glint of mischief in his eyes, then it was all sin. It was warm for the start of June. Give me my jeans any day, like today and added a long sleeve tee. That would be the regular trend as long as it didn't get to hot.

Opening the door I greeted him with a smile of my own. "Hey Mason. Nate's not home, he had to step out or did you want Mady?"

"Actually, I came by to hang out with the hottest ladies in town," he said seductively, leaning against the doorframe with his hands shoved in his pocket.

Before I could get a remark out, Mady shouted from the kitchen, "You're wasting your time on her Mason with all the sweet talk."

"Sheesh that girl has some ears on her. I have to remember never to have sex in the same house as her." I said looking towards the kitchen in a normal voice. Mady just laughed as a reply. Looking back at Mason, "I thought your eyes were grey but their not. Their beautiful and very different." A very beautiful soft violet, they were mesmerizing and I was having a hard time focusing. I forced myself to turn away.

Deciding it would better for my health and Mason's, I dragged him outside in the back to soak up the sun. The kitchen was her domain and we were the intruders.

Lounging by the pool enjoying the soft blowing breeze, the heat coming from the sun and the fresh clean air, I found myself relaxed and completely oblivious to the surroundings. Drifting off into my own little world. Why did it feel so...right here? Why did it feel like home more than any other place? Why did these strangers in this little town feel like... The way their presences made me feel was completely ridiculous, unsettling. Red flags started to pop up so fast in my head but my body tried to shut it up and convince it to just learn to enjoy the moment. Not something that I was used too. Mind winning at the moment the past couple of days raced back. Right then I realized that besides a couple uncomfortable moments this was truly, where I wanted to be. If I really wanted to think about it, which I absolutely did not, this was not the first time I felt like this. Not even the second. But this felt different. More somehow.

"What are you smiling about? No don't tell me let me guess," Mason said, bringing me back to the real world. Trying to keep the smirk off his face, he pretended to put some serious thought into an answer, snapping his fingers. "You're thinking about how I would look naked!"

Choking on my drink. "Don't say shit like that when I am trying to drink." Coughing as well as laughing, raising an eyebrow, I couldn't stop myself from slowly lowering my gaze down his sleek body and back up. "I may be a little curious, you're hot and young, but that was so-o-o not what I was thinking." One of these days I would really learn to think before I speak.

A huge smile spread across his face with a sparkle in his eye. "Curious, huh?"

Reading his mind, or more like the his eyes. "Keep your clothes on Mason, if I wanted to see naked men I would go to a strip club." That did not come out as forceful as it should of. What am I thinking? It has been way too long since I have seen a hot naked guy...huh. NO. NO. NO!

"Fine," Mason let out an exaggerated sigh, "So what were you smiling about, since it wasn't me?"

Back to relaxing in the lounge chair, eyes closed. Hoping this subject would drop. "Nothing."

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