Chapter 60 Sam

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Full bladder woke me up, I struggled to unwrap from the suffocating blanket and got nowhere fast. Letting my eyes adjust to the dark room, once again grabbing at the heavy blanket I seemed to be tangle in I realized quickly it was not a blanket but a very thick forearm. Moving my legs, I noticed it was not a blanket but another pair of legs entwined with mine. "What the...?" I said, momentarily forgetting about my full bladder.

"Morning, babe. How are you feeling?" Dmitri's sleep filled voice said from behind..

Trying to figure what had happened, with some vague recollection, embarrassment out ruled anger on finding Dmitri in my bed. "Ahh...I really need to pee." Hazy flash backs slowly came back.

"Morning, Honey," this time it was Nickoli's voice coming from what I just realized was his back pressed up against my front.

"Uh, morning." Bladder refused to be ignored any longer and I started to move my legs and arms that were entangle with theirs to get to the bathroom.

"Up you go," Dmitri said, picking me up in one smooth swift motion.

"Shit, Dmitri I think I can walk to the bathroom myself!" I squealed in surprise of the sudden movement.

Dmitri surprisingly put me down without a fight. My legs betrayed me and gave out as soon as my feet hit the floor. If he would have had a smirk on his face I would have crawled to the bathroom. Instead he just picked me up and headed to where I needed to go. The real humiliation started when he placed me on the toilet. At least he walked out with a, "Call me when you're done," before giving me privacy.

Refusing to ask for help, I used the sink for leverage. I washed my hands and brushed my teeth. Legs felt a bit better so I decided on a much needed shower. Plus I was in no hurry to go back in the other room. Sitting on the edge of the tub to adjust the water before I climbed in.

A knock on the door startled me so much I had to slam a hand against the tile for balance. "Sam? Sam are you OK?" Dmitri asked then peaked his head in before he gave me a chance to answer.

Nickoli's voice came from right outside the door. "Is she alright?" he asked.

"I'm..." Losing my footing before Dmitri reached out to prevent my fall. "Thanks," I muttered.

Dmitri stepped into the shower in front of me. "Whoa, what are you doing? Give yourself some time to get your legs back, babe."

"I can do this myself," my good friend, anger woke.

"Yes, we know," Nickoli said, climbing in behind, lathering shampoo in my hair while Dmitri took the cloth and washed my arms.

I knew I was tired and not quite myself when it took a few moments to realize we were all naked in the shower and Dmitri's hand was travelling up my inner thigh with the soap filled cloth. Jumping back, smacking into Nickoli. "Out. Both of you out right now!" I demanded.

Both men stepped out of the shower without any argument, which was surprising, but the fact they stayed in the room wasn't. Giving me some space to breath no matter how small was still nice. I finished my shower, ignoring the fact that they stood just outside the curtain and grabbed a towel wrapping it around my body before opening the curtain.

Awaiting was a very naked Dmitri, leaning against the counter, arms crossed, black silk hair wet from the shower. Nickoli, leaned against the wall, hair pushed back. Both looking completely at ease with being naked in front of me and each other. Eyes drifting down before I could stop, it should be illegal for any men to be that huge never mind two of them and especially standing in my bathroom naked. "You''re..." eyes bugged out at the mere size. A flashback of Jack and some other guy climbing in bed with me hit then, making me stagger. The thought of these men seeing me naked, my soft and slightly overweight body, and then remembering other faces in the room became more clear, then came the humiliation.

Pushing my embarrassment aside, reaching for anger, I narrowed my eyes, teeth clenched. "What gives any of you the right to walk in my home and do as you please?" I hissed.

Dmitri's relaxed stance stiffened, hurt coming from both of them. "Sam, it wasn't like that," Dmitri said, reaching out to me.

Grabbing for my chest, as the pain started again. "Please, not again," I gasped falling to my knees.

"Dmitri, you need to block harder. Breath through it honey, we're blocking," Nickoli knelt down beside me.

"What?" I asked, eyes closed and took a few deep breaths till the pain resided.

"Short version. You can feel what we feel. You're not back to normal yet and if we feel negative emotions than it seems to put you in physical pain," Dmitri said softly, hands resting on my knees.

The sight of his hands on my bare leg brought back my first issue. They were naked and seen me naked and who knew how many others have seen as well. Jumping up, storming out of the bathroom to collide into Nate. I didn't know how but I knew Nate too has seen my plump naked body. Horrified, I said. "Fuck. You too?" When he didn't say anything I pushed by him needing to get out of the room. Clutching the towel close to my chest to prevent it from slipping I raced down stairs on still shaky legs.

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