Chapter 22 Nickoli

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Feet propped up on the corner of my glass top modern desk going over last month's financial reports. My home away from home, I liked my office to have some of the comforts of home. A 46-inch flat screen placed on the opposite wall as my desk so I would be able to watch it from his desk as well as on of the couches. Two black leather plush sofas, accented with grey silk pillows sat against the other two walls with a white Persian rug in between. The walls painted a slate steel with brushed nickel lighting that accented each picture on the walls. The only real personal item I kept in here was the picture behind the desk of myself and a few pride brothers cutting the ribbon when I opened this place 30 years ago, and it was big enough that it hid the wall safe.

A warm tingling vibration started at my feet, swirling its way up my body until it reached the top of my head before disappearing. Definitely not something I have ever felt before but somehow I knew it was not threatening or dangerous. Using my other senses, taking in a deep breath through my nose getting a good sense of smell of my surroundings only to find nothing out of place. Rewinding the security tape back a few minutes, I sit up with my eyes glued to the screen. The first thing that caught my attention was the red haired women entering the bar. Mesmerized by her, I continued to observe her from the shiver that took over her body as she passed my territorial markings to the sway of those full hips walking to the back corner table. The way she carried herself was fascinating; walking tall, shoulders back with confidence, but kept her eyes averted from everyone as if that would prevent anyone to notice her. This woman, you could not but be noticed in my opinion.

Paperwork now forgotten, keeping my eyes on the monitors seeing the tightness in Cathy's shoulders as she left the beautiful stranger. I had to get a better sense of this woman, curiosity got the best of me.

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