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Tords POV

I found myself in a dream. I was in a house. Or what had been left of it...there were chunks of tan and red brick strewn out on a burning scape of once green grass.
This is Edd's house? I thought. Guilt began to creep up into the back of my head. No this isn't his house...not anymore. This entire scene was a memory of the day I destroyed my old 'friends' house... None of this would have happened if I hadn't taken up that challenge. I don't even remember most of what happened. Only blurry frames of an awful explosion and the feeling of power. I didn't like the feeling, but Tom must've gotten me really pissed for me to do this.
My thoughts were interrupted when a small pile of debris began to tremble. I took a small step back, waiting for something to come flying at me. Nothing did.
"Tord..." I monotonous voice called me. I turned around to see Tom. He was sitting against a torn up couch. He was facing the floor and his face was blank. He turned to look at me in terror.
"T-Tom?" I jumped back a bit as his expression turned into a rage. He tackled me into a crumbling wall. I hit the floor face first and cut my face on the brick wall. A smal dust mushroom floated up as the wall fell on top of us. Tom pinned my hands to my back as far as he could, sending pain to shoot through my arms and shoulders.
"OW!" I cried out as he slowly applied more and more pressure on my arms. He continued his torture for what seemed like hours until his grip softened a bit. I began to kick and squirm out from underneath him. He was pulled off of me forcefully, I dove out of reach and turned to face him.
I gasped at the sight. Ashes were forming into the figure of human hands, burning every thing they touched. Tom was crying and screaming at me as the hands tugged and burned his flesh.
I stumbled backwards and winced as I attempted to break my fall with my right arm. I looked down at my arm and yelled in sudden pain. Some of the ashes had reached out to me and held my right arm and burned through the right side of my face. My clothes began to crisp and explode into ash. Small cuts formed on my body, and waterfalls of my blood submerged me into a crimson sea. The hands disappeared and left me in my blood. I began to kick at the substance out of body only began to sink farther into the red sea. I began to panic.
I screamed as my lungs begged me for air.
Then the harpoons came.
They sliced through the surface of the water, all of them glowing either blue,green,or purple. They never ended...A single blue harpoon sliced through my shoulder,it's tip erupting out through my shoulder blade. I screamed as the blood gushed out of my wounds and my lungs begged for air.
I slowly sank farther in, sobbing as the pain slowly numbed my entire body... I saw three figures float above the water.
"H-help me..." But the figures vanished...I was alone was over.
(A/N: Just so you know, this is my first fanfic/story/book thingymabob, so be prepared for some not so good content...but enjoy all you can!

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