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Toms POV

I skimmed the aisles of food in front of me. I reached out for a couple packs if bread. Check.
"Ok,what else?" I turned back to Matt and Edd who were giggling like small children.
"Oh right, um..." Edd snapped out of his conversation with Matt and stared blankly at the sheet of paper.
"Just give it here, I'll finish myself." I grumbled, snatching the sheet of paper out of his hands.
"O-okay.." Edd smiled a bit sadly and the tips of his ears turned pink in embarrassment. "C'mon Matt lets go find some Cola." I watched as tge two ran off, I sighed and focused my attention on the list. The next item was jam, in the next aisle. I pulled the cart back and pushed it past the corner.
My cart smashed against another persons. I was pushed back at the collision and my cart flipped as I held onto it. It landed on my legs and I winced.
"Oh gosh! Jeg er så lei meg, er du ok?!"
"Ugh, what?" I looked up to see a guy with shoulder-length hair wearing a yellow turtleneck.
"Ah, sorry...are you okay?" He pushed the cart off of me and pulled me up. He then turned and glared at the man guarding the cart. I noticed he had unusually T h i c c eyebrows, and had also crushed the cigarette in his mouth during the crash. He nervously bowed his head and muttered apologies in a language I didn't understand.
"Uh..I'm fine thanks?" I limped a bit trying to recollect the spilled contents. They both stooped down next to me to help.

"Again, we are so so sorry..." The long haired guy said, for the billionth time. He smacked the other on the back, forcing him to bow.
"S-sorry..." He muttered.
"Its fine really, I'm fine.." I smiled nervously at the sight of the two...were they siblings?
"Ah, I don't believe we've exchanged names!" He then outstretched his hand and introduced himself, "I'm Patryck." I took his hand. The eyebrows guy then straightened his grey sweater and offered his hand as well.
"I'm Paul." I shook his hand too.
"And I'm Thomas, but call me Tom."

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