Tears over Lunch

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Goodbye old friends!!

"Noo!!" I jolted awake. I was gasping for air and sweating out puddles. I sat up on my couch and tried to breathe.
"Edd?" I turned and saw Tom sitting on the floor rubbing his 'eyes'. I woke him up.
"Ah...sorry Tom, I just had a bit of a bad dream." I managed a grin.
"Yeah I could tell by your sleep talking and sudden spasms." He yawned.
"I sleep talked?" Did I say something about my nightmare?
"...Edd c'mon I know you try to hide it but...you just have to accept the fact that he's dead Edd, I'm sorry." Tom turned away and stared at the blank teli.
I hurt my teeth in an attempt to stop the tears and sobs. Ringo nuzzled my arm and meowed, Matt had already left apparently.
"He was just..." I tried to stop myself from crying, "h-he *hic*...he was our friend.." I began to sob uncontrollably.
"Edd..." Tom stood up and sat next to me, "he wasn't our friend, he tried to h-hurt us, okay? Friends don't do that to friends." Tom hugged me and tried to snap me out of it. But even then I could tell some part of him regretted what happened that day. It was visible by the way he constantly disappearing into his apartment and trying to avoid the subject altogether. We both sat there on the couch crying and trying to find comfort in one another.

Matt POV

"...dead..." I softly sobbed. I was sitting next to Edd's door and trying to get everything I had just heard out of my head. I sniffled and violently rubbed the tears out of my eyes.
"Matt?" I see Patryck out of the corner of my eye.
"O-oh! Hey N-neighbor..." I jump to my feet and say half-heartedly.
"Matt what's wrong?" He walked up to me with a concerned look,"why are you crying?"
I paused and tried to stop myself from sniffling, but failed and broke into tears. I felt a pair of arms envelope me into a hug and gently rub circles into my back.
"*hic* I'm s-sorry" I said into Pat's sweater. He just hushed me.
"It's ok, happens to anybody." I continued to sob there for a few more minutes before I calmed down and rubbed off my final sniffles.
"Ah...um, thank you." I said to Patryck as he released me, "sorry for the whole sight and mess and all...that."
He chuckled.
"Its ok Matt."

~ ~ ~

"Hey guys!" I had finished my little scene and awoken my spirits to enter Edd's place
"Oh, hey Matt!" Edd greeted me from his kitchen. He pulled a Cola out from his fridge and sat at the couch. Tom grunted his greeting from the floor of the living room
"So what are we doing today?"
"Sleeping." Tom replied.
"Tom we just woke up." Edd said kicking him,"I don't know Matt, we don't have any plans for today."
"Well that's gonna change!" I say happily. I had already planned everything.
"Tom shut up." Edd said
"If its Matt's idea its already horrible."
"Let's go hang out with the neighbors!" I yelled out before Edd could reply to Tom.
"Oh,you sure they don't have jobs or something?" Edd looked up at me.
"Nope! And they've already agreed!" I said.
"What?" They both asked in unison.
"Yeah I was talking to Pat today and asked him if they might be interested in joining us for lunch."
"Uh I'm not sure Matt..." Edd replied.
"C'mon they said they'd love to!"
"...alright alright. What about you Tom?" He smiled and turned to Tom.
"No." He said grumpily. He was like a little kid.
"Pleeeaase Tom...ill buy you more alchohol?" I pleaded. I saw Tom ponder on the thought for a while.
"Fine." I hugged the drunkard and squealed with delight.
"Yay thank you!!" I then got up and ran down the hall to tell Paul and Pat.

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