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Matt POV

I was sitting in my room, gazing at my reflection in the mirror. I was far from looking perfect now. The bandages Gunter and I put on were still covering my face.
I wonder if it'll heal correctly.
I sighed in frustration as a looked around at all the new packages in my room. I hadn't bothered with opening them, I just wanted to forget the whole thing and get my face back to perfection.
I finally got tired of sitting and got up. From a glance I made out that it was probably around 4:00 am. I walked around my collection of knick knacks and mirrors all over my apartment floor and made my way out the door.
Out in the hallway I spotted Ringo near the stairs. Meowing at the entrance of the apartment next to Edd's. Patryck and Pauls apartment. The door was cracked open. I stared at it almost longingly, as if I was hoping the two people would rush out to greet me. I picked up Ringo and knocked at the door quietly. Did they leave the door open when they carried out the person?
I knocked a second time a bit harder and the door creaked open, the light flooding in and allowing me to look inside.
It was completely empty.
I took a cautious step inside, hearing for anything or anyone before I walked in. Every piece of furniture or decor was gone. I went over to the room where the accident had occurred, getting hit with a wave of nausea as the stench of bleach entered my nose. My eyes watered at the fumes. Ringo was clearly not pleased and jumped out my arms and out of the apartment.
I endured the smell and inspected the room. Like the rest of the apartment it was empty, and cleaned down to every speck of dust. The carpet which was the origin of smell was washed.
If it weren't for our injuries and our own eyes witnessing everything, it would have been as if none of this had occurred, as if Paul and Patryck and their mysterious roommate never existed.
I slowly came to the realization of the Red Army's power. Though I had never heard of them before it was obviously because they didn't want to be known, and if we had turned down their offer, we would have been in the same condition as this room.
We would have stopped existing completely in this world.


I couldn't sleep.
I mean who in their right mind could if they had experienced the same things as us. My mind just kept replaying the entire thing.
About an hour after Tom had woken up and we had explained the situation, I was a crying wreck trying to tell him their terms for our freedom, and after much argument we came to a conclusion. We had begun to hear cheers and chanting outside the waiting room, as if a sudden parade had occurred. Two or three hours after that Fritz had returned, followed by a group of soldiers that flooded the room. We didn't see Gunter with them.
"So what have you decided?" Fritz had asked, Tom was growling at them. The soldiers stared us down before I spoke up.
"We agree." I said timidly looking at Tom sadly. Matt nodded quietly. Tom had shown his displeasure about the offer and our answer but had ultimately agreed as well.
"Good choice." Were the words that kept ringing in my head as I saw three men pull away from the group to take Tom. I cried as he looked back at us once more, as if waiting for us to speak up and defend him, but ended up finally complying with their orders. Everything became a bit blurry after that and I don't remember much after that.
We were taken home, given a packet of some sort of paperwork and that was it.

Matt and I were home.

The unholy chapter: 666 words

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