Playing house

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Tords POV

I jump out of my dream when I feel the plane shake violently. I clutch the arm rests.
"Hva i helvete er du to?! I yell.
"I'm sorry its Paul's fault!"
"It was not! That bird was charging right for the plane!" The bickering "couple" as I sometimes refer to them continue their dispute. I sigh and look back towards Val and The to see if they were still sleeping. A bundle of warm grey and platinum white was slowly rising and falling as the two leopards snuggled next to each other in the middle of the aisle. I turn to look outside the window and stare at the puffy clouds. I tap my fingers impatiently. How much longer? It had taken Patryk nearly a year to find a surgeon who wasn't an enemy or afraid of our army. Only one surgeon in the same friggin area he once called home was confident that he could amputate my arm and eye and be able to connect a robotic arm as a working substitute.
"How much longer!" I yell.
" It'll be a little under an hour if Paul doesn't crash the plane before we land!" Pat respond gaining an irritated "Hey!" from Paul. The plane trembled a little and Pat started to yell again. They acted like an old couple...
I grew anxious and giddy as I saw the land and cities slowly replace the ocean. I then slap myself and scold myself.
"No, absolutely no 'friends' or any sort of distractions whatsoever..this is official business of the Red Army Leader." I grew sad at my own lecture. My friends were once part of my everyday life before I drove away...
"Red?" Pat peeked out of the flight room to check on me.
"Hmm?" My voice quivered. I didn't care if he saw the tears that threatened to fall. I don't care anymore.
"Are you thinking about your old friends?"
"Pfft, old friends...first of all, they are not my friends! Did you not hear our conversation before I was blasted out of the sky with a harpoon?! By them!
My tears began to pile up. Pat looked at me with a pained expression, not feeling sorry for his leader, but for his friend. He pulled me into a hug. I was surprised, but I didn't pull away. Instead, I let my tears fall and dug my face into his shoulder.
"Du prøvde bare å holde dem trygge...du vet det." He whispered soothingly. I scoffed, but made no reply. He slowly rubbed circles into my back until I felt drowsy.
"You're definitely the mom in this act..." I mumbled in my sleep as Pat sat me down into the seat again.
"Then youre the baby." He chuckled as he ruffled my already messy dark brown and silky hair. I heard him skip off happily into the pilot room again before I passed out again.

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