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Tord POV

I was left in bed for a few more hours before a team of nurses took me to test my strength and to make sure nothing was out of place.
Eventually, after a bit of tests, they returned me to my room. My body felt tired but as soon as I sat on the bed to take a nap the doctor ran in, talking loudly.
"You can walk fine, your main body movements are normal...are you tired right now? You must be. Anyways-"
I raise my hands and pinch the bridge of my nose, interrupting him.
"Slow down there, look I just want to sleep and take a shower, could you just..." I made a gesture, telling him to get to the point. He made a small scoff, to which I raised a brow.
"Look if you can manage to take a shower by yourself then we can make a few calls to get you discharged today. It'll be like a final test of your strength. But.." He paused and looks at his clipboard," you will need to come in every few weeks so we can check your condition, and you'll need someone by your side at all times to watch over you."
I felt like jumping for joy, but of course, I couldn't right now, I thought about what he said, of course, Patryck or Paul would be happy to take that role, but they honestly needed a break.
"Sure, just let me take a nap for a while and I'll shower," I said. Looking back up at him he was grinning, he reached over to ruffle my hair and I hissed.
"Yes please, you don't even look recognizable. I didn't even know who you were when they brought you in!" He chuckled.

Do I look that revolting?

Fritz POV

I was happy that my leader was finally going to be discharged. I was in the hallway outside his room flapping my arms around like a girl when the doctor nearly ran me over to tell me. I giggled and slapped my cheeks, trying to control myself. I took a deep breath and exhaled, taking up my serious glare again as some nurses passed me. Okay, I needed to take care of another situation, I thought to myself as I made my way down the hall. The three "friends" needed to go. If Red knew they were here it would only worsen the situation and possibly add more stress in his life, as if they haven't already caused enough trouble. I stopped a few rooms down and went to open the doors to the waiting room the presumed Matt was being held in, he seemed the only one capable of communication at the moment. I stopped when my hands were on the cold surface of the doorknobs. I heard muffled voices inside, but nobody should've been in here...unless.
I pulled the doors open to reveal an unexpected amount of uninvited guests. I glared as I saw Matt and Edd cuddling all lovey-dovey in one corner, as well as the still knocked-out Thomas. Edd looked up at the sound of the doors and gasped, pulling out of Matt's arms and staring back at me like a scared kitten. Matt's eyes widened and he held on to Edd defensively. I rolled my eyes at the useless action and walked up to where Tom rested.
"Red Leader is awake just so you know..." I inspected and scratched away some dried blood that had escaped the poorly done bandages wrapped around his head, "and I have no intention of the four of you to meet.." I turn and glare at the two who flinch.
"W-what are you gonna do t-to us?" Edd peaked from behind Matt. I grinned just to tease.
"Well I did have it in mind to just dispose of you, but alas that is not the case. There's a record for every person killed and I can't have your names poppin' up out of I got a deal to offer." I moved closer and pulled a chair up to them, sitting in a formal matter.
"W-wha-" I held a hand up before Edd could ask anything.
"I'm offering you a deal..."


I snickered at the look on the two's faces. I'm guessing they weren't expecting so much. I looked over at the sleeping Tom again and stood up to take my leave. But somebody beat me to it. The man walked in smiling with a bundle of supplies in his arms.
"So you're the traitor.." I said casually as he saw me and dropped everything. A look of complete shock and horror went up to his face at the sight of me.
"G-gunter." I ignored Edd's call behind me and pulled Gunter down so he was almost kneeling, I chuckled and whispered.
"Bad kids can't see their twin sisters...I'm sure you can understand that hm?"
Gunter looked at me pleadingly but made no motion to say anything. I patted his back and smiled at him. I opened the door and walked out, yelling behind me.
"You two better think on my offer while I'm still feelimg generous!"

Matt POV

We watched Fritz leave and everything was silent until Gunter fell to his knees and covered his face. Both me and Edd got up and ran to him. He looked at us desperately, as if asking us what he should do as tears ran down his face.
"Are you okay, did he hurt you?" Edd was checking him to see what could have cause him to fall. Gunter grabbed his hands and shook his head. He wiped his face and stayed there for a moment before slowly standing back up, he turned to me and signed that he needed to leave now. I hesitantly nodded. We watched him leave as I was explaining to Edd. He sighed and rubbed his temples. I pulled him up and back over to the chairs.
"So at did you think adout at he said?" I was getting used to talking without moving my jaw.
"I...I don't know.." I hugged him close to me as he just rubbed his face. I rubbed his back as he continued muttering to himself.
" head..." I froze as a voice rose from Tom. I slowly turned to face him, Edd pulling away and gasping.

"Elcom to hell..." I muttered.

sorry for the wait! ヽ( ´¬')ノ

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