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Edds POV

"Oh boy I am stuffed." Tom burped out. He pushed a plate with drizzled syrup towards a waitress and sank into the booth.
"You ate too fast, me and Matt haven't finished yet." I said pointing at Matt, who was devouring the fluffy deliciousness.
"Mmmmhmmmm....hurry up then." Tom replied, pulling out his phone.


"Aah, that was good." Matt says to himself as he walks out of the diner.
"Yeah, the waitress was new though." Tom muttered. We made our way to my car and hopped in.
"Hey Edd!" Matt suddenly chirped.
"Yeah Matt?"
" Can we go to the store, I wanna get myself a new mirror."
"Smirnoff." Tom mumbled, hidden away in his blue hoodie.
"Uhm..." I pondered. Did I really want to go to the store and socialize with cashiers?
"STOoOrE!!!" Matt yelled, jumping in the back and shaking my poor car violently.
"Haha, Matt calm down!" I giggled making a fanning movement with my hands which meant 'Calm down'. The ecstatic ginger only continued to vibrate the car with more force.
"Edd! Save us.." Tom pleaded in the passenger seat, whimpering as the earthquake overtook the small car. I was laughing and giggling at the sight.
"Edd, STORE!" Matt called out again.
"Ack, okay, sorrysorrysorry!" I pulled out of the parking spot.
We a took off to the store as best we could with laughter, shouts, and whimpers emitting from the bouncing car.

Tords POV

"Red? You awake?" Paul woke me with a small shake on the shoulder. I groggily sat myself on the couch, recalling how I had arrived at such a pathetic little apartment.
Paul and Pat had carried me and the cats off of the plane and drove us here.
"Nn..." I wiped my eyes and looked around for those two balls of fluff. "Val n' Tyr...?"
"There right here, still asleep from the tranq." He gestured to the bundle of grey and white on the carpet.
"Oh hes awake!" Pat said as he walked out of a room, "Paul and I were waiting for you to wake up so we could go to the store."
" two go.." I slurred, slumping I to the red couch.
"Alright then, is there anything in particular that you want or need?"
"...bandages and cigars..." I whispered. Pat frowned.
"Ha yeah you do!" Paul snickered. Pat thwacked him on the head.
"I'm good for the bandages,but not the cigars." He said sternly, "okay, we're off then, oh and please don't leave the building until we return,sir."
"Alright just go."
I listened as they walked out and their footsteps faded. I then lifted myself from the couch and proceeded to explore this new area.
It was a cozy little apartment. It had two bedrooms, a small kitchen and a plain but functional bathroom. It seemed like it would become a nice little 'safe house'.
I made my way back into the living room that was swarmed with boxes. I sat down and flipped on the television. One channel was streaming Insane Zombie Pirates from Hell 9 so I sat back and watched it. My attention was broken off the screen as small noises began to come out of the leopards. I loved to watch zombie movies with these cats, they always growled and hissed at the zombies, but I couldn't blame them since they backed me up at the zombie outbreak. Heck, Tyr was even bitten by one! I nearly cried when they told me he was going to live. What I did notice was how his voice got deeper and at times screechy. He also gained a bigger appetite. But since he hadn't caused any trouble, I kept him.
"Miaou..." I heard Valkyrie call out. He stared up at me from the carpet. His blue and green eyes simmered as I smailed back at him. His tail swished back and forth and his muscles tensed.
"Can't move yet,huh?" I asked lowering myself to the floor to scratch his ears. He growled. It would take some time before the drug would completely wear off.

"Don't worry buddy, I'm not going anywhere..."

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