Soft Statue

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Matt POV

I was inside an abandoned waiting room. They rushed me in after I saw Edd...I wiped tears and blood from my eyes, wincing at the pain. My eye was swollen and bloody, I don't think I'll see out of it again, considering that baton had made direct contact. I didn't know what to do. I slumped back into the chair and sobbed. I don't know where they took Edd or Ti-...Tom. Who knows if theyre even alive.
No you shut it, theyre alive alright? We're going to wake up any minute and be back home...on adventures...the whole's..
I couldn't finish my thought...
I looked over towards the door to see a soldier.
It was the same man who hit me and tried to hurt Edd.
"Y-you!" I choked on my words, "S-s-stay away from me!!" I cringed and pushed myself back into the chair. Instead the man took short and silent steps towards me. I shut my eyes, ignoring the pain of clenching my jaw, and braces for a hit. I heard a small clanking noise but dared not look to investigate.
I heard a sigh, then felt a gentle tap on my shoulder. I slapped the hand away and fell to the floor in my struggle. The man persisted and tried to pry my hands to uncover my eyes.
I cried and pleaded with him to stop, giving up after a few minutes, I was tired and hurt. I let my jaw loosen and dared not move it again. I opened my eyes slowly when I felt a surprisingly gentle and soft hand on my cheek. I tried to look past the redness and blurs at the face in front of me. The man moved his hand to his lips and then waved his finger side-to-side. I was puzzled. He changed his expression to a thoughtful one, then went to pull his turtleneck down to show me two identical scars on both sides of his neck. It took me about a minute to understand. My face then changed to an "oh" expression when I got it.
The man nodded. Then he pointed at a small box next to the seat I was previously in. The source of the clanking noise, a medical kit. I turned away, would I just let this guy help me after he had done all those things to me and my friends? I felt tears at remembering the sight of Edd's face of terror. I shoved the man away once more and ran into a corner, grabbing a chair and holding it defensively. I definitely would not let this monster touch me...
The soldier stood up, grabbed the box and showed it to me, telling me that he would be leaving it with me. Then he looked away, obviously worrying about something. He then motioned me to stay in my place and trudged out of the room.
I was left alone again, I waited a few minutes before I set the chair back down in its place. I cautiously went to open the kit, seeing it was safe I pulled out items: cotton swabs, bottles of hydrogen peroxide, and gauze. Holding them in my arms I went to look for any reflective surface, making do with the plastic surface of a poster. I tried my best to fix my no-longer-pretty face, cleaning it and grunting in pain as the wounds fizzed. Upon closer inspection of my eye, it seemed that the inside of my eye was filled with blood, and feeling around my eye I could see two major cuts that would need inspection and stitches...Seeing the damage properly now I could also feel it. Instead of messing with it further I covered it once with gauze, just to keep it shut.
When I got around to feeling up my jaw I was interrupted again. The door opened to reveal the man again, out of breath, with Edd in his arms. I ran to him, pulling Edd away from him and holding him close. Tears and dribble fell, I'm a little glad he was knocked out, he'd probably be repulsed by the sight. I tried my best to say thank you to the soldier with my jaw half-open and sobbing. He gave a small bow, then gave me the sweetest looking smile a giant like him could give, his complexion changed entirely in that moment. He then looked back down at the floor in guilt at the sight of my wounds. He looked like a wounded puppy...
I walked back and set Edd down gently to lay on the chairs. I pushed some hair out of his face and I felt calm again. As long as I could see him well, all would be well...
I turned back and beckoned to the soldier. He came to me looking scared and confused. He towered over me by a foot or two, but still looked like a chastised child. He looked back down at his feet.
I placed a hand on his shoulder to get him to look at me. He did after a few pats on the back. I pulled the medical kit up and pointed at my face. He nodded. Giving the kit to him I called back my memory of American Sign Language, hopefully he understood English.
I pointed at myself and clicked my index and middle fingers together, then creating letters with my hands...M-A-T-T.
I gained a gleeful reaction from the man. He then responded by making out his own name.

My name is Gunter...

we have a new boi now, his design will be shown later

toodles ya' noodles.

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