Bad thoughts

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I woke up with a splitting hangover. I was hanging off of the couch, with all my body except my legs on the floor. I attempted to look up at the time from my uncomfortable position. Dang, its been three hours since we came from the much did I drink?
I got up slowly, so not to disturb my headache further. I stumbled into the bathroom and chugged water from the faucet, then running my head under the cool water.
After chugging a few pills I looked up at my reflection in the mirror. I snickered.
"If I knew I was gonna turn into this I would've just died there in the rubble that day..." I muttered. I never forgot that cursed day. Stupid Commie. Its his fault. His fault I always drink. I used to enjoy I'm just drinking all emotions and thoughts away...both those and that stupid robot freak. But he always comes back when I wake up...
I sighed and went into my kitchen to search for a snack. Come to think of it...what happened to Edd? Wasn't he here a little while ago? I grabbed a slice of bread and went over to Edds apartment. I knocked twice and waited for the cola lover to receive me. I rubbed my eyes away in an attempt to hide the evident exhaustion.
"Um, hello?" My head shot up to the doors entrance. Paul stood there looking at me with concern.
"Uhhhhh..." I glanced to the apartment number. Ugh. Wrong apartment. Paul seemed to understand the situation and chuckled.
"Pff...don't worry, you're fine. Tough hangover?"
"Yeah?'d you know?" I gawked. Even Edd can't find out that fast when I'm hungover.
"Our buddy drinks all the time...ALL the time." He explained ," me and Pat are pretty much used to the stench of alcohol and smoke now."
"O-oh..." This guy seemed pretty messed up. I mean even I don't drink all the time, only in the evenings when I can pass out until morning. And I don't smoke either.
" Yeah anyways, your friends apartment is right over there." He said motioning to the left two doors to the left.
"Uh, thanks...I guess..."
"No problem." He smiled, "see ya' around, Tom." He shut the door and I mentally slapped myself. I then went to Edds apartment, not even bothering to knock this time. I opened the door to the sight of Edd and Matt passed out on the couch with Ringo snoozing in Matt's purple hoodie.
I smiled.
I take it back. I would rather spend what's left of my pathetic life with these goofs than let a dead trigger-happy freak have the pleasure of killing me.

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