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Fritz POV

"What should I d-do, I-im so very very confused, my chest does this squeeze thing everytime I see h-him, that's a b-bad thing right? Should I stab him and rip his insides out with a fork, or i-is that me feeling like I'm getting m-my ins-s-sides ripped out? Emil stop laughing and do some-OW!" I stopped rambling when I got a harsh slap from Emil. I glared at her, but she was busy striking a mobster pose. She was hunched over the table, shadows covering her face.
"I've awaited this day for some time now.." She muttered in a terrible italian accent.
"Please tell me your not going to pull a Godfather impression now, this is serio-" She raised a hand in a threat to slap and I shut up. Why was she the only one apart from Red who could intimidate me?
"Quiet quiet my dear son, the great and wise Emil will assist you and give you advice in this time of need." She raised her head and smirked at me.
"Tell me, how may I be off service?" I groaned.
"Emil what have I been telling you for the past few minutes?"
"I honestly don't remember dude, I was thinking of Leonardo DiCaprio, you know that one act-"
"Okay, so what my brother picks your short ass up and makes your butthole go doki doki!" I bang my head on the table and scream. I hear Emil cackling across from me.
"I hate you..." I mumble, hiding my face in my hands.
"You say that but you know you love me~" She says fluttering her eyes at me. I glare at her and she pokes between my eyebrows. "You're gonna get angry wrinkles if you keep making that face."
"Maybe I wouldnt be making this face if you were actually useful." I snap back, whacking her hand away. She sighs and moves her hand to ruffle my hair. She really wants to lose her hand.
"Oh geez I don't know maybe youre actually capable of human emotion and just like my brother?" She says bluntly, making my face turn red again.
"Dude you went against Red Leader's order and made it out alive..maybe liking somebody is possible." She said, and almost comforting expression on her face.
"That was different, and he doesn't know anyway...I wouldve been buried in a ditch somewhere if he had actually found out.." I grabbed her hand which was still caressing my hair and held it under my gaze, analyzing the chipped purple and black paint on her nails, which were bitten and chewed even though I constantly say not to. She pulled away and forced a finger under my chin to make me look her in the eyes.
"You saved my life from the firing squad, you who always followed Red Leader like a dog and always devoted your life to him." I stared back into her eyes, wondering why I couldnt just stand aside and watch her get shot.
"C'mon dude don't you deserve at least a little love life...or a life in general?" She said, adding a joke to lighten the tension.
"Its probably just intimidation Emil, your brother's a giant, besides I've only been in relationships with girls." I said to change the subject, "I just need to put my foot down and asert my dominance. No biggie."
She shrugged and leaned back into her chair.
"Alright alright, I won't say I told you so when you come crying back to me about how my bro demolished your as-"

Tord POV

The world felt oddly normal. I was back among my subjects, probably not ready to take charge yet but I could train Fritz while I properly regain strength.
I was staring at my complexion in the bathroom, disgusted with how I had ended up over the past few months. Greasy hair, dark circles, a starved and dead looking skinny body to add on to all the scars...I could probably pass off for a Tim Burton character.
I looked to my right side to stare at the prosthetic again, lifting it as best as I could. It was a bit difficult to maneuver and felt a bit strange as I had no sense of feeling, it had been easier and faster when I had a clipboard thrown at me but that was a reflex. The doctor said it would take a while to get used to, and I don't know if I can get used to this.
I tried my best to ignore the thought and then started to worry about more complex and important is this was gonna work with me showering?

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