Broken Spirit

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Tord POV

It body...
I..I can't move... me...


"Tom!!!" I screamed as I saw Toms body hit the tile floor, basically lifeless, I stumbled back into Matt, him grabbing onto my shoulder and gripping them tightly. I looked up speechlessly at the man who knocked him out. He was tall and built, bigger than Fritz, with a cold dead stare that glued me to the floor. I couldn't move, the scars lining his throat only added to his intensity. He sighed and looked down to clean the blood off of the baton. Suddenly his head is struck from behind as Fritz slaps him.
"Too soft ya' mute...should've hit him harder..." He muttered, he then snapped his fingers in the mans face and pointed in our direction.
I glanced to find an opening, but could only see the crowd surrounding us, eyeing us like vultures waiting for the prey to tire. I was jerked out of my thoughts when I see the man started to walk eerily calmly towards us, raising the baton slowly and swinging it, as if to test it.
"Edd get back!" Matt whispers.I feel Matt pull me back behind him, raising his arms and blocking me from seeing anything. I was dumbstruck, Matt would never risk himself, or his face for that matter, to shield me, or anybody! I shook off the thought quickly. I needed to get us out if here. I whispered to Matt to tell him to stop. Instead he turned and gave me a small sweet smile, and mouthed the words, "I love you."
Since Matt had blocked my sight I could only catch a glimpse of the weapon rise, and ultimately fall. I clenched my eyes and teeth together, waiting to hear the sound of the ginger's body hit the floor like Tom, but it never came. Opening my eyes I gasped when I stood back to see Matt scream in pain, blood dripping down his face as he clutched his eye. He doubled over and fell to his knees, muttering words I couldn't catch on to.
I stooped down to help him, having the only thought in mind to help him back to his feet, not noticing the man raised his arm to take another blow. I looked up from my spot in terror.
"EDD!!!!" Matt shoved me out of the way and put his arm out to block it. With a small precise movement the baton changed directions and made a horrible cracking noise when it made contact with Matt's jaw. I saw the force knock him to the floor, and the soldier began to repeatedly beat him.
I cried out as I saw my love being hit with such force. I felt a sudden source of energy and rage and leaped at the soldier.
"Stop it!" I yelled, I pushed him on his rump and quickly returned back to the ginger, shielding him from any further harm. Hot tears flowed down my face as I cried and glared at everyone watching sight. Some faces showed interest or amusement at the fact I had the guts to show courage. Or guts at all. But at that moment I hated them and everything related to them, I growled at all of them, "Stop hurting him..."
The soldier I had toppled was in a state of shock on the floor,but was quickly over it, he picked himself up off the ground and I snarled at the sight. His expression changed at that moment. I saw a mixture of pity, sadness, and loss? The man who looked like a stone statue was showing such a pained look. Gasps and murmers were heard in the crowd of people. It was obvious that this man wasn't known for showing human emotions.
I heard a growl behind me, then I felt myself being lifted off the floor by the hood, the collar of my hoodie blocking my windpipe. I couldn't breathe. I heard Matt's helpless whimpers as he watched me from his place, unable to fight back anymore. I began to thrash and kick, desperately trying to free myself from the choke hold. My vision was spotting as I clawed through fabric and skin, causing my neck to bleed, I felt the hot liquid stain my fingers and clump underneath my fingertips. I wheezed and struggled, hearing distant yells and seeing blurs of red and blue.
Slowly, my body began to go limp, my energy fading along with my spirit to free myself...I couldn't fight back anymore. With my remaining air I rasped out to Matt. Hoping the words could come out before o could lose consiousness.

"" many of you hate me yet lol

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