Glances and Glimpses

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Tord POV

It had already been some time since I realized Paul and Pat were missing. I wasn't entirely bothered by it, but a bit annoyed...actually a lot annoyed.
I spent the day smoking away my last pack of cigarettes and watching tv.
"Hey, thats my last one Valkyrie!!" I whine. The leopard ripped the thing out of my mouth and walked over to the nearby trashcan. I clung to his leg. He turned his head with a look of 'I'm doing this for your own good' and drops the already saliva soaked cig onto the pile of trash.
"Meanie." I lay on the floor face-down and whine but suddenly cheer up, "Ha I'm human and I can just get more!!" I hear Tyr growl from the couch. Stupid mind-linking cats, acting all high and mighty just because they have a bit of authority over my rotting corpse. I groan and limp up to stand. I'm going anyways Tyr...I think to him and myself. His tail twitches as he let's out a low grunt. I copy the strange sound and walk out the door, shutting out the pleading mewls of Val. I summon the elevator and ignore the scratching at the door. I'll just call for help if I need any...which I'm sure I won't. Existing the complex, I see that the sky has a nice glow to it..golden hour was it?
I make my way through the streets and tugged on the sleeves of my hoodie, as well as pulling on my hoodie to lower attention from bystanders. The bandages really caught weary eyes.
I felt a tingle of panic settle as I turn a corner and see a familiar poster.
I looked weird in that photo and smirked at the curious Paul who popped out in the side. Old memories I guess.
"Why are you here!" The man pointed to a flyer with a scowl on his face.
"Alright, you got me~ what I really came for was..." The other man mocked his opposer, and slammed his hand onto the cold surface of a large red button.
I gasped, I was dragged out of my thoughts as the memory began to take over. I held my hand in my arms and walked away from the thoughts...they followed me anyway. It has gotten dark and a huge trail of clouds were forming.
I reached a small corner store and push open the doors. At least I attempted to. I noticed the sign after trying a few more times.
Pull. I frown and realize my stupidity. I pull the doors open this time and walk in to the small yet cozy store. I skimmed through the ailes of food, magazines, and candy till I reached a welcoming sight. Seemingly endless rows of alcohol. I go straight for the tequila ignoring the bell of the door opening and grab two bottles of Sierra Silver and turn around to pick up another bottle of Smirnoff. I gently turn the bottle around in my hands. Toms favorite brand.
"Eh oh well.." I cough and add it in. Might as well. I continue walking and pause at the magazines. I barely look up to see someone enter the alcohol haven..wearing a familiar blue hoodie. I scream. I pick up my belongings and quickly pay for my things turning a corner and booking it.


I had entered the usual store that stashes the goodies. But someone caught my attention. I didn't know who they were, but they apparently knew me. They screamed and dashed off before I could do anything. Something told me to run after them.
"Hey wait!" I run out after the blubbering mess. They're quite fast, I thought as a piece of paper that flew out of their pocket whacked me in the face. I tripped and fell face first. The future continued running. I grumble and catch the paper, it was a receipt for two bottles of tequila and another of vodka.
Whoever that whacko was had taste.
I stand and return to the store. I decided this time you just settle with a pretty weak case of beers. The cashier gives me a strange look.
"Want a pack of Band-Aids to go with that Tom?" He motions towards the ovular mirror in the corner if the ceiling. I turn and gasp, my face was scuffed and blood was accumulating over its carrying capacity, falling over my forehead. I then feel the sting.
"Umm sure that'd be nice Ramon." I say sheepishly. He laughs and pulls out a pack of bandages.
"On the house."
I return to my apartment feeling like I had lost something important. And it was scratching at my mind.
Who was that and why do I feel like this all of a sudden?

Tord POV

I ran all the way back, ignoring anybody who saw my face. It was definitely Tom, it was fucking Jehovah's. Shit shit shit shit!! I slammed the door shut behind me and was faced by two worried soldiers.
"Red? What's wrong?" Paul asks, he sat at the couch with Tyr on his lap.
"Red! Where were you?! We were worried!" Patryk rises from his place beside Paul and asks. I tell the man to relax.
"Calm down, just went out for a bit." I say sternly, holding up the bag in my hand as proof. The two calm down a bit and continue their show. I mutter curses and hide away in my room, my mind wanders and spins. I want to leave this stupid country... Stupid country. Stupid surgery. Stupid corner store.
Stupid Tom...
I feel a hot liquid fall down my cheek. I reach up to feel the tears that are littered across my face. I hear low meows and scratches come from my door. I open my door and see Valkyrie quietly enter. I close the door behind him and fall next to the wall. Val leans his head on my knees. I try to hold it in but when I see that reassuring face I lose it. I sob quietly and bite my left arm to stop the whines and whimpers that treaten to sound. Valkyrie sits with me, gently lapping up the tears and rubbing his head on me as a sign that I will be okay.
"It sti*hic*ill hurts-s..." I say out loud, I clutch my black hoodie as I feel an ache form. I stay there crying and mumbling to my fluffy guardian angel.

"I still l-love *hic* him..." I whisper.

"I still love Tom."

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