Forgive and forget

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Portrait of the quiet giant, Gunter🔝


I cracked my eyes open, blinded by harsh lighting and grunting against the feeling of sore muscles. My neck ached and I was parched. I tried to slightly move my neck side-to-side, hearing a pop! Then getting whiplash. I winced and stopped moving entirely.

Where am I again?

The thought echoed in my head. The lights in my room were usually off, or at least not this bright. And my bed was a whole lot comfier than this block of cement I was on. Think Edd, Think!
At that moment I felt something poking against my face.
"Edd aw you away?!" I hear Matts familiar chirpy voice, a bit weird sounding though, but still him. I crack my eyes open, as I see his silhouette block the lights, giving me ease.
I squinted and blinked to get used to everything. I mumbled.
"Where are we?" I rasped, it hurt to talk but I mamaged. I look at Matt, and at the sight of his face being almost entirely covered in bandages the whole nightmare returns to me.
"Oh my goodness Matt! Your face is..." I was amazed how calm he was considering his situation. He kept his jaw slack and shrugged it off, he was clearly not fit to talk. I then reached you my neck, whining at the sting, it felt awful. Matt pulled my hands off my neck and examined it himself, face lined with worry. He then attempted to make the words "wait I'll be right back" but it came out broken and difficult to understand. He left me in the unfamiliar room, as if there wasn't an entire base outside those door that absolutely hated us. I curled up in the blue plastic chair I was in and tried to think things through. Why exactly were we in this predicament again? My mind swirled to different possibilities of what could happen to us here, would they hurt us, imprison us for life, or worse, would they take away my Cola!?
I jumped when the clack of the doors opened again. I saw Matt guiding someone behind him.
I panicked and ran to Matt, pulling him in front of me. I tried my best to glare at the man, through tears and uncontrollable shaking. The man pushed back as well. which surprised me, he looked just as scared as I felt. He then looked at Matt with a pleading look. I glanced at Matt, who had begun to move his hands in ways I couldn't understand. Did Matt just make friends with the guy who nearly beat him to death??
I softened but kept my guard up, still unsure of the situation. I felt Matt's hand fall on my shoulder.
"He oly wanna hel" Matt said, motioning towards my neck. I shivered and shook my head.
"How do I know I can trust him?" I asked, "he beat you! He strangled me! And we don't even know where Tom is, if he's even alive for goodness sake!!" I really didn't mean to raise my voice so loud but I was desperate and scared, tears had already begun to stream down my face as I angrily squeaked and sobbed in Matt's arms. I ignored the pain...I just wanted to go home, I want to watch movies, drink Cola, and hug Ringo, I want things to go back to normal.
I felt a finger poke my back, turning I saw it was the soldier, he looked wounded. His eyes were glossy and he scratched the back of his head. He then got on his knees and bowed on the floor, in a sorrowful position. Holding up his arms he began to sign out words. I turned to Matt for a translation.
"He says he sorry fur hurring you, Hat Tom ih ok an can ring hin here.." He hissed at attempting to say Toms name. I turned back to that soldier, who had lifted his head up to look for my response. He too was crying, silently though, his lip quivering.
"I-i don't know, I'm still scared...but I don't think he's b-bad?" I tried to explain. I approached him slowly, like he was a frightened animal, he shivered and slammed his head to the floor.
"His name is Gunter." Matt said behind me. I told him to try to refrain from speaking so much.
I stooped down and cautiously put a shaky hand on Gunters back. I pulled back a bit when he flinched. Putting my hand back on his back I tried to find a way to relate to his situation. He seemed just as scared as we were, and he didnt seem to fond of hurting us when he hesitated back in the hallway..maybe he was being forced into this way of life. I came up with different reasons to ease away my fear, to somehow find it in me to forgive him and give him a chance. I took a deep breath and began to rub his back, he looked up at me, the two of us in tears shared a small moment as we stared at each other..
After about a minute I nervously cracked a smile. I was still scared, but maybe I didn't have to be. I pulled him up to sit and face me. He sulked and looked at his hands, fiddling then around. I grabbed his cheeks to make him look at me.. His icy blue eyes staring at me hopefully.
"I...i-i forgive y-you..." I stuttered. He held a look of complete shock and amazement. Then it changed to a mixture of sadness and relief. He began to sob softly, unable to make any sound.
That was all it took to push me over the edge.
Forgetting my own fears or needs I pulled Gunter into a hug, embracing him and crying with him. Matt kneeled beside both of us.
We shared that moment in that waiting room. Forgetting everything, our only objective being to comfort one another.

Yeeee Happy (early maybe) Birfday Kittin665
next chapter will be an update on Tord's condition yey

Stay tuned noodle woodles

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