Chapter Seventeen- Lyra.

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"Sheesh," Poe mutters, putting on his coat while stepping out of the hotel room. "A funeral one week and then a wedding the next. I really can't wait until this is all over, so everything can go back to normal."

"Poe, it's us," I remind. "our lives have never been 'normal'."

Poe shrugs, "True."

"Papa," Stella says, looking up at Poe with her big hazel eyes. "where are we going?"

"We're going to say our goodbyes to Bodhi." Poe tells her, she frowns.


"Come on, Stella, we don't have time for questions." Poe replies, putting his hand out for her to hold it.

"Okay." Stella replies, looking at the ground. "Can we play in the snow?"

"Maybe later." I answer.

"Okay, mama,"


The ceremony comes and passes, and everyone said a few nice things about Bodhi. Since the ceremony was the time Stella usually takes her naps, she ended up falling asleep during it.

Finn said a lot of things about Bodhi, and I didn't realize until now how close they were, and how much they had in common.

Bodhi escaped from the empire, Finn escaped from the first order. Both of them were apart of something they were against, and both fought against it.

I feel stupid for not realizing the similarities sooner.

"Hey," Poe whispers, and I turn to him. "I'm going to put her down for a nap."

I nod, "Okay, I'll be there in a minute."

Poe walks away, holding a very sleepy Stella in his arms.

I look around, seeing Caden. I feel really, really bad for that kid. First his mom and sister, and now his dad. With a sigh, I walk towards him, "Hello,"

Caden turns to me, "Hey,"

"How are you holding up?" I ask, he shrugs.

"I'm holding in there." Caden replies. "I mean, I miss him, but I'll be okay."

"I'm really sorry for your loss." Finn states, Caden opens his mouth to reply, but Finn cuts him off. "Now, I know, you said that people shouldn't say that because they didn't do anything, but I am. Your dad was an amazing person and he didn't deserve to die. Especially like that."

After a minute of silence, Caden sighs, "Okay, and thank you...I guess? I don't really know how to reply to this type of apology."

"It's fine."

"Anyway, today's been...depressing." Caden states. "You guys want to hang out?"

"Sure." Ben says, shrugging.

"We can't." Rey says, sighing and looking at us.

"Where did you come from?!" I ask, startled. "You were here for the ceremony then you sort of disappeared."

"I didn't 'disappear', I was here for awhile." Rey replies, rolling her eyes. "Then I saw Leia walking towards us, and so I went to her and asked her if everything's okay."

"And?" Rose asks.

"They're calling a meeting." Rey answers. "It's somewhat important I guess, but General Holdo wants us all to meet her in the hotel restaurant."

"Wait... a restaurant, for a meeting?" Finn asks. "Sheesh, that's weird. I'm used to bases."

"Same, peanut, same."


"So, I called this meeting today, because recently we've had a few things take place." General Holdo announces. "First, our base was destroyed, and just an hour ago we got a threatening holo message."

The 'base' gasps, as if it's some courtroom drama and they're part of the jury.

General Holdo presses a button, and plays the message.

'Resistance scum, I see you've made it out of the attack," the voice says. 'I know this, because I've been watching you.'

As the voice continues, everyone quiets down, listening to his soft yet chilling voice. He sounds like a misunderstood marvel villain that you have to protect or else he'll go terrorizing New York.

'Now, don't think you are safe just yet,' he continues. 'as we are doing everything we can to find you. And once we find you, we will kill you. We'll torture you until you give up and die. And then we'll take over this galaxy.' The odd and terrifying voice pauses, takes a light breath, and then continues. 'However, we will spare at least one of you.'

Everyone shares confused glances, but no one dares to speak.

The voice chuckles, 'Now, don't be a mouth breather and except it to be you. Because, like said, we are only keeping one of you. And we already know which one we'll spare.'

The silence is violent, you could say. It seems to last forever as we wait for the voice to continue.

'That person is, FN-2187, or, as you all know him, Finn."

Authors Note:

I dedicate this chapter to Hannah_geek , because she's been telling me to make Lyra's POV lately.

Also, if anyone gets any of these references in this chapter, then you are officially the best person ever.

Thanks for reading, everyone. Hope you enjoyed (and sorry for the cliffhanger).

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