Chapter Thirty Nine- Jacen.

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A little over a week ago... (probably).

I've been here for months.

Actually, scratch that. I don't know how long I've been here. Could be hours, weeks, months, or a year. I don't even know. There's no way of telling how long it's been. One minute I'm sitting at the planet's local park, talking to Charlie, and then the next, I'm having a needle stabbed into the side of my neck by someone who I thought was my friend while Charlotte yells for me then falls to the ground, unmoving.

Then we woke up in the cells; Charlotte was lying in a cell next to some person— whose name I didn't get a chance to catch 'cause they ended up being dead —staring up at the ceiling.

And now we're here, still in the cell, with our two prison mates whose been here for who-knows-how-long.

"Do you think," Dustin; aka the giant teal hedgehog, says suddenly. "If I were to headbutt the glass really hard, it'd break and I'd be able to escape?"

"I don't know," Charlie says. "Maybe you should try."

"Yeah, 'cause even if it doesn't work, it'd still be entertaining for us," Caleb pipes up. "You should definitely do it."

"What?" I say. "No, don't try. You'll die. And when we do escape, we need you."

Caleb makes a face. "It's not like he could do anything, he's not force-sensitive."

"Yeah, and he's just a big ol' hedgehog." Charlie agrees.

"Why hedgehog?"

"You look all sharp and like you could do some serious damage on the outside," Andrew states. "But on the inside, you're all soft and fluffy,"

"Like a hedgehog,"


Suddenly the steel door opens, revealing two guards, one holding an unconscious women, the other opening the door prison door and then the cell door. They throw the poor women down with a loud and painful sounding 'thump'.

The door closes as sudden it was open, and the two guards begin to exit the room.

However, Charlie stops them.

"Hey, you wanna know something?" She asks, standing up from the uncomfortable cot in the corner of the room and walking towards the glass. "I wrote you a poem. Would you like to hear it?"

They don't reply.

"I'll take that as a yes," she replies, a cheery grin appearing on her face. "Roses are red, violets are blue, I have five fingers, and the middle ones for you!"

Andrew gasps, Dustin gapes at her, and I smirk.

The guards stop at my cell.

"I am starving," I state. "Have anything to eat?"

They stay silent.

"Didn't your parents raise you not to treat people like that?" Dustin asks, nodding towards the limp figure with her back leaning against the wall. "That's not very nice."

"You didn't use that serum crap, right?" Andrew asks. "That one time you used it, the person had an anaphylactic reaction and died."

"Yeah, and they were in that exact cell," Dustin states.

That's how the person died. I think quietly to myself, then listening in on the conversation.

"For all we know it could be cursed," Dustin says.

The Forgotten Jedi - Rey Skywalker // Book V in A Spark of HopeWhere stories live. Discover now