Satan: *coughs* wASSUP my whores
This is just a random kik chat I made that includes multiple different ships, but mostly joshler.
I also made this while sleep deprived. Enjoy!
Curlydan: but to both patty and ty, I'm sorry and I hope you're both doing well
Pat: yeah Pete stayed outside the apartment for a while and slept out there but that's all
Curlydan: I wish I wasn't in England currently so I could hug you, patty. Pete is a fuckin twat
Pat: aww thank chu dan
Curlydan: of course
Pure: staying up and watching both mulan and mulan 2 was a horrible idea
Pure: I'm so tireddddd
Pure: and josh is asleep oof
Curlydan: tYLER HI
Gdo: dan
Curlydan: yES gdo?
Gdo: we're floating on a dying rock in space and you just want to jumble random letters into words in an uppercase manner? Instead of screaming?
Pure: Brendon you meanie!
Curlydan: HES already had three today!
Gdo: oops
Stan: cOUGH dan
Curlydan: .......
Curlydan: wHAT
Stan: you should add Phil to the gc
Curlydan: oh god okay
Curlydan has added Philadelphia to the chat!
Curlydan: phil wHAT the hell even is your name
Philadelphia: it's creative dan, that's what it is
Philadelphia: oh god dan what did you drag me into
Curlydan: Phil this is the gay gc I was telling you about
Stan: welcome to gay hell
Pure: we have Oreos!
Philadelphia: oh hello Tyler!
Pure: hi, Phil!
Stan: how in the mother of cocks does Tyler know both of them
Pure: *shrug* I met dan, then I met Phil
Pat: well hi!
Philadelphia: dan has told me all about you guys
Philadelphia: I was spammed with pictures the last week and he literally yelled at me for thirty minutes for misgendering Tyler since I'd only met them two days ago
Pure: i was on skype while it happened and dan was v mad
Pure: but it was okay!
Gdo: oKAY sO phil name, pronouns, sexuality, and a picture
Curlydan: you already know his name fuckwad
Stan: ^
Pure: dan!
Pat: ^
Philadelphia: uh, well
Philadelphia: hi I'm phil. I use He/him, and here's a picture of me with dan;
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Philadelphia: I'm obviously the one on the right
Curlydan: phil you dimwit you didn't say your sexuality