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(Please appreciate this because making those messages were hard

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(Please appreciate this because making those messages were hard.

Meaning I had to send each one individually to myself and delete some

Hard work, you guys)

Gdo: dude...

Sobbing: I fucked up so badly

Sobbing: I'm just gonna go die in a hole now


RyRo: NO

DalPal: I'll kick your shit back in

Stan: ^

DalPal: you're gonna get that non binary baby back

DalPal: no exceptions goddamnit

Gdo: fuck I love it when he's mad

Gdo: oh shit sorry



Gee: stop breaking the fucking fourth wall, Urie

Gdo: oh hush

Sobbing: thanks guys

Sobbing: but what if it doesn't work?

Pat: josh

Pat: shut the everliving fuck up

Pat: it'll work

Sobbing: how do you know, huh? Since you're so fucking smart, stump, how do you know? What if they me standing there and he walks off? Huh? They seemed pissed off, they even fucking cussed, and they hate cussing. How do you know if they'll even show up? What if when I ask them to be my date mate, they shut me down and never talk to me again? Huh? I don't want to lose them and I'm so close to doing it. I get that I just yelled at them, and cussed, but there's a reason they hate it so much and I'm gonna jump out of a window because I broke my promise to them

DalPal: what was your promise?

Sobbing: that I'd never yell, nor cuss, at them. That i would always protect them. I don't know why I decided to yell st them. But I guess it's because I'm such a fucking dumbass

Gdo: that broke my heart

Pat: I'm coming over to slap some damn sense into you

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