Midnight Scares

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I was about to write the title as 'Midnight Memories' but... One Direction ;-; Not that I hate them or anything. Just. yeah. Baby Penguins tho.

Caraphernelia was playing when I wrote this.. so don't judge.

I didn't know if I should have turned this chapter into a smutty one.


Kellin's P.O.V

Everyone was all snuggled up in their comforters waiting for the snacks to arrive . Vic told me earlier on that he was going to help Alex with the snacks. I wasn't exactly fond with the idea of that. Alex is afterall gay and I am almost a hundread and one percent sure that he would fall for Vic and I can't let that happen. I can't let Valex happen. I decided that I was going to see what's taking them so long or interrupt what's taking them so long.

As I stood there underneath the arch of the kitchen, I was sure enough to find Alex and Vic dancing their ass offs.

And so the game begins.

I was quite pissed off at the sight that was displayed infront of me so I pushed a crystal vas off the kitchen counter.

Both of them jumped up when they heard the sound of glass shattering .

"Woophs " I gave out an innocent smile.

Alex rolled his eyes at me and started picking up the broken pieces . He asked me to do it , since I was the one that broke it but I simply shrugged and answered him with a ' What's so good about picking up the pieces? What if I don't even want to? ' . Oh don't mind me Alex I'm just reaching for your dance partner while you're cleaning my mess .


Vic's P.O.V

I felt my heartbeat getting faster each time the music gets louder. I hate horror movies. I don't just hate em, I hate em with a strong burning passion. I would rather be upstairs humping my Elmo then watching some crazy chick cutting her arm off.

" don't do it bitch "

" don't do it "

Eventhough my eyes are closed , I could feel my goosebumps rising just by hearing that creepy lady that sounded like a kid thats high on acid speaking. My hand reached for Kellin's hand when I heard a loud thunder noise . I opened my eyes and saw that Kellin was smirking but his eyes were focused on the movie. I didn't realize that I was still holding on to Kellin's hand until he intertwined his fingers with my own. He lifted me so I was sitting on top of him and wrapped his arms around my stomach in a protective way.

"I'll keep you save" His hot breath whispered into my ear and he started placing butterfly kisses on my neck making me shiver. I leaned back into his soft chest and stretched my neck out giving him better access . I could feel his hands roaming around my body .

What the damn hell's going on? I'm the seducer. Not the seducee. Biiiitch, you tryna still my title. An idea popped into my mind and I smirked . I turn my head to kellin and gave him a seducing smile and then bounced really hard on his crotch. That'll teach him to try to seduce me.

"FUCK!" Kellin screamed as he shoved me off his lap, his hands covering his balls .

Everyone looked at me and then at Kellin .

"He is scared of da ghost " I did a dance with my hands trying to describe a ghost, " ghost grabbed his balls too " I snickered.

" I think someone should grab you in the balls right now " He started inching towards me

Vic and the Bostwick boys (Kellic)Where stories live. Discover now