somebody I used to love

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Thank you everyone for reading my story ^-^ ♡ I decided to update early (: Just a quick short one .

Kellin's P.O.V

Jack , Alex , Austin and  woke up early and went grocery shopping with my parents. They said they'd be back in an hour and that was three hours ago.

Typical family outings that always exclude me, not that I really give much shit about it . It's just that this time Vic was there and I really wanted to hang out with him. Then again, I find myself always wanting to hang out with him.

I opened my the fridge and grabbed a bottle of apple juice nearly having a heart attack when I closed the fridge door , only to find somebody that I used to love standing there.

Matty Mullins.

The guy that was my first love. He was the reason why I became gay, more like realized actually. Nonetheless, he was the one that broke me . He's the reason why I think it's okay to just use people for pleasure , because that's all he's ever done to me . Use me. No one knew that ofcause. Everyone thought that I was the one that was using him for one night stands. Well I became that whore after I gathered the courage to dump his ass and gained the strength to stop after I met Vic.


"Kellin" He smirked, still as cocky as he'll ever be

I pulled the bar stool out from under the counter and motioned for Matty to sit .

"How have you been? My sweet sweet Kelly bear"

He asked with a sinister tone in his voice. Something which I used to find a major turn on. Now, it makes me want to puke rainbows .

"Let's just cut to the chase. What do you want Matty? How the hell did you even get in my house? "

He chuckled, " I still have that spare key you gave me " He paused, smiling as if he remembered something happy " Remember when I would snuck into your house and we would spend the whole night fucking? You know why I'm here. I want you back kell kell and well.... judging from the messages you've been sending me , I know you want me as bad as I want you. You want to cut to the chase? Then lets go to your bed room. "

He stood up , trailing his fingers behind my back, his hot breath breathing down my neck. Making me really uncomfortable.

"Fuck off" I stood up and pushed him away , "Don't you get it Matty? I'm done with you. You ruined my life. You made me think that I was incapible of falling in love without having sex first! You made me think that everyone out there is a fuck up like you!" I screamed.

"You don't mean that"

"I what? I don't mean what? " At this point , my anger was raging on fire and I grabbed the closest thing to me and threw it in his direction, "I don't mean that??" I threw that glass plate ,

" I'm sorry , did I make it seem like I was fooling around?" I threw more plates at him causing him to back away

I could tell that he was getting scared by my outburst. That once smug look on his face was replaced by one of fear.

" I've moved on from you , you piece of shit! Get out of my face and give me my keys back!" I yelled, punching the cabinet beside him.

He quickly fished out for the house keys and handed them to me. I snatched it from him and shoved him out the kitchen door . I was about to close the sliding door shut but he stuck his foot out .

"What the fuck, move you foot "

"I still love you Kelly bear" he said , this time his face showing a sad emotion

" I don't "  I said coldly

"Please" he begged

"I'm in a love with another guy. So me and you will never ever happen again!"

I wasn't expecting what happened next. He took my face in his hands and kissed me . The moment I felt his lips on my very own I felt a whole wave of disgust. This wasn't one of those kiss where you ex gives you annd you realized how truely madly deeply in love with them you still are. Nope. This is one if those kisses where you realized what an idiot you were for being with such a desperate fool.

I pushed his face away from mine , the same sad look still on his face.

"Like I said . Fuck. Off " I spat at him 

His sad expression turned into one of pure sinister. He was smiling evily and his eyes looked as if they were posesed by a demon.

"I will get you back." He said from a distance as he was walking away backwards to the front yard.

I quickly slam the sliding door shut.

what did I ever see in him ? That was certainly one of the most awkward situations I've ever faced. But in a way, it was good too. I feel like I needed to get this off my chest . I never knew the things I felt until a while ago when I shouted everything out.

So its true then , I really am in love with Vic. And now that I've finally got the Matty situation solved . I can ask Vic to be mine. All mine.

Matty showing up today was definately a sign that it's time I moved on and started a new Real relationship .

__________________________________________ Wow Alex. Your plans are so fail. oh, Kellin went completely ape shit.

Votes: 12

Comments : 14

P/s, I already have a few chapters typed out , so you guys don't have to worry about me slacking off (: I'll update once my goal is reached! ♡

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