Everything's better when I'm in your arms

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Kellin's P.O.V

" We have to go to Channel , I need to get Jenna that bad she always wanted " Sarah said, grabbing a hold of my wrist pulling me to the Channel store . Thankfully , it was only a few steps from the restaurant we were eating in .

"You go in, I'll just wait here for you "

She raised an eyebrow at me and shrugged , "Mmkay , suits you "

I leaned casually against the glass window , checking to see if anyone texted me.

(15) New Messages

I clicked the envelope icon and checked my messages. None from Vic. Bummer. I shoved phone back into my pocket,waiting for Sarah to be done with her shopping .

After about 15minutes of waiting , I decided I'd just go in to see if she needs help or whatever . My hands rested against the double doors of Channel and I was about to push when I hear a scream . Curiousity got the better side of me and I followed the sound of the voice , leading me into an alley .

"Oh no " I heard, there was pause and then he continued " Now we have to kill you "

My eyes grew wide at the sight of Matty fucking Mullins , bending down pressing a knife to someone .

"Matty! " I called out. He spun around , giving me full sight of who he was talking to .

Oh hell no.

I ran up to him before he could press the knife into Vic's throat and quickly shoved him against the wall, making him drop his knife at my sudden movements .

"K-kellin " He said , sounding startled , "I-it's not what it looks like "

Well, isn't that what they all fucking say?

"I-I just , I can't loose you Kelly bear, I need to be with you. A-and he, " he pointed at the terrified looking Vic that was slumped against the wall , " He got in the way . I needed to get rid of him Kellin, so we could be together. Just like we always wanted . Me and you, we're meant-"

He didn't get to finish his sentence because next thing he knew, my fist connected to his face . I swung back my fist repeatedly, gving him bruises on his face, his body , where ever I could lay my hands on .

I grabbed his shirt and hoist him up. He was much taller and bigger than me, but no doubt , I was stronger than him. "Stay the fuck away from him " I practically growled and with that I threw his weak being to the floor . I raised my feet and was about kick him in the sides but I was held back by a whimper.

" Vic... " I quickly averted my attention to him , " you alright? Did he hurt you bad ? " I pulled the sleeve of his shirt up, examinating the cut. It was quite deep, but it wasn't so bad . The one on his cheek wasn't too bad either, it was more of a scratch . Nothing that will leave a mark .

Suddenly, I felt an agonizing pain on my left calf, my hand reached to touch it and I felt liquid, soaking my jeans . I turned around to find that Matty had stabbed me . I shook the pain off and pulled the knife out , biting the insides of my cheek so I wouldn't scream . I'm not giving Matty the satisfaction of bringing me pain. I took the knife and jab it through Matty's hand, pinning it to the floor .

"Fucking hell ! " He screamed . His face all red , the veins on his neck petruding out , blood gushing out from his hand.

I ignored him and scooped vic up from the floor and he wrapped his arms around my neck , his head resting on ny chest. Despite the pain on my leg , this actually felt good, just like old times .

Vic's P.O.V

"Right , okay then. Make sure he doesn't get out "

" Alright then, that's a relief "

"Haha , yeah. Thanks officer preciado "

Kellin threw his phone onto the bed after hanging up. He got to the side where I was laying and kneeled down , " Matty's in jail . You'll be okay hun " he reassured me , putting his hand over mind , brushing the back of my hand with his thumb.

I nodded in return , " How's your leg? "

"It's okay " He ran his hand over his cast

" Kell, " I turned my hand so that my palm was facing up , and intertwined my fingers with Kell's that were already resting on mine . "Thank you "

He gave me a light hearted smile , " I wouldn't mind getting stabbed a million times , as long as it keeps you safe "

" That was awfully cheesy "

"Hey, just call me mac n' cheese "

I facepalmed myself at Kellin's lame attempt of a joke , but nevertheless , I was infact laughing. A genuine one . Its been quite awhile , I've always been faking my laughter, no one seems to notice which I dont know, I guess it's good , but I secretly wished that someone would say 'you're faking it' rather than , 'he's getting better'

"I miss your laughter " Kellin said

" I missed it too " I said softly, "and you "

He took my arm and kissed over the bandage and then he cupped my face and placed a soft kiss on my cheek . He ran his hand through my hair and brushed my cheek with his thumb .

"Good night Vic " He smiled before getting up, but I took a hold of his wrist , pulling him back

"Don't leave " I whispered , feeling water build up in my eyes .

"Hey hey" he coo-ed , " don't cry " He wiped the tears off my face with his palm. "I'm here okay? I'm not leaving you "

He got up and walk to the other side of the bed , making the weight of the bed shift. He put his arms around my waist and pulled me to his to his chest . " I'm here " he kissed the top of my head and then reached to switch off the bedside lamp.

" Goodnight Vic "

After all this time, being away from him. I have been an emotional wreck. And eventhough today, with everything going on, having Kellin next to me , it makes me feel like everything's okay. Like if the doctors told me that I had one week left to live , I would still be okay , as long as I have Kellin. I knew I loved this boy . But today I realized , just how much I really loved him. Yes, what he did to me really did hurt me . He lied to me . Deserted me . But it doesn't matter what he do , I'll always love him . No matter how hard I try to push it away .

"Goodnight Kells "

I love you ...


4 more chapters left

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