Older brothers , they grow up so fast

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Second update! U guys better love me!

Vic's P.O.V

" Leave me alone meanie " I groaned into the phone.

Believe it or not, Mike actually meant what he said when he said that he was going to stay on the phone until he came here. He's now in a limo on the way to the Bostwick house.

There was a knock on the door , followed by Kellin's voice asking me if he could come in , I guess Mike must have heard it because next thing I knew, he was screaming " Get away from the door , you whore ! " I heard Kellin sigh and shuffled away.

"See? He doesn't even respect me when I asked him to stay away from you! I don't- Oh I'm already here! See you lil- I mean big bro! " And with that he ended the call. Finally!

Well then, time to meet the new and unimprove parents. Or should I say Parrentes ? Get it? get it? Because Mike would be the Mom and Tony would be the dad and their surnames would be- ah whatever.

I walk out of my room the same time as Alex .

"Hello" I sang out , "My parents- I mean brothers are downstairs "

Alex looked in me in shock , his cheeks turning pink but he was still starring at my lower half , thats when I realize that I forgot to put my clothes off! Great, he now probably think that I was too busy jerking off to remember putting my clothes on.

"Oh shit! " I cried and quickly ran into my room

Life of a Fuentes.


" Aloha Mikey, Tony! " I greeted them after I got dressed . They were both in the kitchen talking to Austin. They look like they're really hitting it off, well Mike does, Tony's just starring at the ceiling and nodding his head.

"Viccy Poo! " Mike gave me a bear hug and lifted me up in the air, spinning around in circles. Almost like you would with a 5Year old. Except I'm 17!

"Aye" I rubbed my head , trying to catch my balance . After a bit of day dreaming , Tony finally shirted his gaze from the ceiling to me.

"Hi Vic" He smiled , stretching out his arms for a hug. Instead of hugging him, I stuck my tongue in his ear . I was dying of laughter when I saw his expression. Probably the reason why I tease him so much.

"So" Mike trailed off . Ay, I know where this is going . " Where's the boy that popped my little Viccy's cherry ? "

"Mike! " I covered my face in embarrassment.

"I'll just leave" Austin said with his hands covering his mouth, I heard him burst into laughter when he dissapeared out of our sight.

" Well? Are you going to bring me to him or am I going to have to hunt him down myself? " Mike pulled out a .... gun?! "You like it? We found it in a shop on the way here " He smiled evily.

"Mikey! You are not going to shoot my boy- Kellin! Put down the gun and I'll bring you to him" I said cautiously.

He groaned, " Fine! " He handed the gun over to Tony , " we'll be back in a while " he said before following me up stairs.

We made it to the long corridor of rooms and I lead him to Kellin's room, I was about to twist the doorknob when Mike stopped me 


"What? Forgot your gun? "

"Do you want me to get it? "

Why did I even ask him such a stupid question?

Vic and the Bostwick boys (Kellic)Where stories live. Discover now