hotels are meant for sex

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smut is so hard to write.

Kellin's P.O.V ( bcus Vic's too gey)

I wrapped a towel around my waist and got out of the bathroom , heading to the luggages that I've packed for us . Passing the king sized bed , I couldn't help but notice Vic laying on his side with one hand on his hips and the other leaning on the bed , supporting his head .

"My body's ready for you " He said jokingly  when he saw me looking him up and down .

I chuckled and crawled to the bed sitting next to him. I pulled him to my chest and cupped his face in my hands , " I never expected you to appear in my life . I think I must have loved you from that first day when I caught you from falling. I didn't know it then, but I know now " I paused, looking deeply into his eyes, letting my emotions flow , " I love you Vic. You and all your illogical-ness "

Vic's mouth curved into a smile . " and I love you too "

I lowered my head, my mouth sinking into his. I lay him on the bed , my mouth still moving against his soft ones. Both of us grinding our bottom halves against each other . I could feel myself getting harder, I could fell his hard on too. I nibbled on his collar bone , earning a moan from him. While nibbling on his collar bone , I methodically began removing his clothes, removing my one piece of coverage after that.  My hand lowered it self to his member , slowly stroking him and he did the same to me .

My lips made its way to his lips and kissed him hard, our tongues playing with each other. I gasped against his lips as he rubbed me harder .  I brushed my thumb against his tip making him groan , I loved how sexy he sounded so i did it again , this time making his back arched . His body trembling underneath mine .

" Does it feel good baby? " I mumbled bringing my lips to his neck, sinking my teeth into his neck , sucking on it.

" mmhmm "

I thrust myself harder into his hands and he got the message , he  grabbed my length and started pumping me faster . I buried my face into his neck , moaning desperately .

"That's it" I stopped what I was doing and he stopped too , a pleading look on his face . I took three of my fingers and asked him to suck on it . He gave me a confused look at first but did as told, his saliva coating each of them . He looked so sexy doing that. I imagined that that was what he would look like sucking on my dick. The thought of that itself was enough to throw me off the edge. I couldn't contain my self any longer I took my fingers out from his mouth and placed my self in between his legs , rubbing at his inner thigh.

"K-kell, I need you " He gasped , his voice sounding raspy .

I kissed him and entered a finger into him , moving it around . Slowly, I entered another finger into him . He shifted uncomfortably and let a small whimper escape his mouth .

I stopped moving my fingers , I gave him a concern look whilst my fingers are still inside him .

" Does it hurt baby? " I asked

" A little bit " He said , wiggling his bottom to adjust himself

" I can stop " I stated , making sure I wasn't pressuring him

" I want this Kells. I really do " He said, reassuring me that it's not a one sided thing . That made me smile , knowing that he wants me as bad as i wanted him . I slide the third finger into him , preparing him for , well , my dick. I took my fingers out of him and reached over to my suitcase for the lube and condoms but Vic pulled me back to him .

" Let me lube you up" He said seductively lowering his head to my shaft. He licked me from my base to tip , flicking his tongue over my tip a couple of times, making me groan . He was now teasing me by just sucking the tip . Frustratedly, I tangled my hands in his hair and pushed myself further into him , making him gagged a little. I pulled his head away and set him on his back with me hovering above him and lined myself with his entrace , not bothering about the condom anymore.

" Baby, you ready? " I asked, my throbbing dick aching to fill him .

"y-yes b-babe" He breathed out

Babe. That's the first time he called me that. I smiled and pressed my dick into his entrance , slowly pushing myself into him harder and harder. He was so fucking tight, which was a good .

He gasped when I managed fit my whole length in him . He was now squirming under me , trying to adjust to myself. After moving around quite a lot, he finally settled down.

"You're so big"

"I know " I smacked my lips above his before he could even say anything . My lower half went ahead and grind against him causing my member to slip in and out of him slowly. Both of us were  now moaning against each other's lips. I started grinding faster against him. I pulled myself all the way out and slammed in to him .

"F-Fuck Yes!" He moaned, his body trembling in pleasure. I was sure that I've hit his prostate. I kept a constant pace, making sure I hit the exact same spot again. Both of our moans were getting louder and louder, as if to compete who can moan the loudest . I'm quite sure that the room next door could hear us, that kinda excited me more. 

"Are you close ? " I asked , my breath shaky .

He nodded and I quickened my pace , ramming into him faster and harder . A few thrust later, he was screaming my name, his hips bucked forward, hands grasping the bed sheets and climaxing onto his stomach .

"FUCK VIC" I groaned against his neck and my eyes fluttered shut as I came inside him.

I fell beside him and pulled him to my chest , kissing him deeply before pulling away. We were both panthing like crazy.

"Round 2? " Vic asked , biting his lips .

I smirked knowing that I did well. I got up and  climbed on top of him, getting ready for round 2.


So effin awkward.

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