Psycho's they're everywhere

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what is this story becoming .

Alex's P.O.V

Ever since I woke up this morning , I didn't get the chance to see Vic . He's been spending the whole day hanging out with Austin and Alan or the Austlan as our family calls it, they're so close you could barely tear them apart .

I never really left the couch since this morning, apart from going to the bathroom . I've been sitting here for the past few hours thinking of ways to ask Vic to be mine, I needed it to be better than the way Kellin asked . But just how? Kellin always have been the Romeo. 

I tapped the pen against my chin , starring down at the empty legal pad . Zero ideas running through my mind . I sighed and went over to the cupboard where we kept all our CDs and choose one that I'm sure would give me some sort of Idea , considering how much Vic brags about this movie being the cutest love story ever . 

Romeo and Juliet

I popped the cd into the player , grabbing a bag of chips from the kitchen before sitting comfortably on the couch .

Alright inspiration, come to me .

Vic's P.O.V

I was sitting across the park bench , licking my Ice-Cream , while watching Alan and Austin bicker over Austin's girlfriend , or ex-girlfriend.

How did this happen ?

Well , it all started when we were waiting in line to order at Taco Bell ,  and I just so happen to saw a blonde chick making out with one of em Taco Bell staffs in the store room, with the doors wide open , pretty stupid if you asked me . And that says a lot, considering I'm like the queen of stupidity.

I decided to kill my boredom by yelling out "get a room " , they turned around and my jaw dropped .

"Chrissy?! " I asked in surprise

I remember her perfectly well. She was Austin's girlfriend. The one that kept dragging Austin away from his friends at the pool party .

She put a finger over her lips , her eyes begging me not to tell Austin . I nodded and mouthed okay to her. She sighed in relief and mouthed thank you. I quickly nudge Austin-that was still looking around for chrissy, on his hips and pointed to the store room . Haha , bitch. I lied to you.

Long story short. They had an arguement , a couple of profanities here and there, and they broke up.

Oh and we're banned from Taco Bell because Austin punched the guy Chrissy was making out , and the manager for trying to butt in and he broke the tables. Yeap.

" I told you she was a demon! You never listen to me! You never ! " 

" Oh shit, how was I suppose to know that she would have cheated on me?! "

"Maybe if you paid attention enough , you would have seen the way she talk with other guys! "

" Who ever pays that much attention? "

" I do , Austin , I do ! I've been watching out for you ever since we met! You never notice how much I truly care ,do you ? You never appreaciate the things I do for you ! Would you even be sad if I left one day?"

Austin look taken a back by Alan's outburst. I'm guessing that this is the first time Alan raised his voice.

"Awkward" I coughed out,

"Alan, I'm sorry . I really do appreaciate you. Please don't leave me... I need you. "

Well then, it seems like I'm being the third wheel here. Literally . Haha , get it?

"Well, I'm just going to , you know, look around . Just call me when you're done " I said , but they didn't seem to hear me over the sound of their voices . So I quietly wheeled myself away .

I managed to wheel myself across the street on to the sidewalk . I stopped and looked at the window display in awe .

Damn! That's a nice channel purse !

It was a quilted white bag , with chained straps , which really did match my outfit today, might I add.  Ugh, but it's not like I would ever use it. At times like this I really wished I was a girl.

I waved goodbye to the purse and wheeled away , bumping into someone .

"Oh, Opps . Sorry " I mumbled , wheeling away but I couldn't. I looked up and turned my head back to see that the same man I bumped into was holding on to the handle that was placed at the back of my chair , stopping me from moving. Next thing I knew, we were heading towards an alley. Once we were hidden from sight, he pushed me off me wheelchair .

"Owh" I cried,rubbing at my sides

I'm usually not afraid of strangers , infact , I scare them by just being me. But this one, oh was he creepy. He literally had crazy written all over him. He had slicked back ginger hair and tattoos all over him . His eye held such anger in them . Was he really that pissed that I bumped into him? I mean , I said my apology , didn't I?

"You don't know how long I've been waiting for you too be alone" He said , there was a strain in his voice, like as if he was excited but and the same time wanted to kill someone, "Everytime, " he laughed , " Everytime I wait for you to be alone, someone's always there with you. But this time, I wasn't even trying. And here you are , all alone . This is god's plan. He wants you gone as much as I do "

" S-sorry? " I asked shakily while trying to drag myself away , " U-uh , why do y-you, What did I do? "

He scoffed , "What did you do? You stole the love of my life, that's what you did. "

Now, I'm pretty sure this guy is bullshitting . I did not steal anyone's 'love of their life' . Unless that psycho Matty -

Oh shit.

"M-matty? "

He gave me a wicked grin and nodded his head , "Yes little Viccy, it's Matty " , He took out a knife from his pocket and started examining it.

I opened my mouth to scream , but before I could he held the knife to my neck.

"Scream, and I'll slit your throat open "

My mouth quickly close shut, so tight that you would have to use a crowbar to try to get my lips to seperate .

He took the knife and slash it across my arm. I whimpered but I dare not to scream.

"Ah, such a good boy" He said, with the same sinister tone he held .

I used my other hand to press on the wound he made, it was a prettu deep cut and my arm was bleeding like it's on it's period.

"Please let me go " I begged quietly

He placed the knife over my lips and made a shushing noise , " No no, that can't happen . I need to be with Kellin, but you. You are in the way , my dear . What makes him love you so much ? " He tilted his head, examining me .

"Is it your hair? " He pulled on my hair and pushed me to the ground , "Your face? " He took the knife and slashed my right cheek, making me scream.

"Oh no " he frowned , " Now we have to kill you "

Vic and the Bostwick boys (Kellic)Where stories live. Discover now