Only 17 and destroyed

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Personally I think all the 'fuck yous' regarding the last chapter was a bit uncalled for. I did mention that the last chapter wasn't even a real chapter. so yeah. That really wasn't necessary .

Mike's P.O.V

It's been 14hours since I last sat numbly in the cold waiting area, having a starring competition with the red light outside the emergency wrong. Any longer and I swear I'll end up going fucking nuts.

My mouth itched and my hands scratched restlessly against the fabric of my denim jeans , my feet tapping at a vigorous speed . It's been too long since I've had my last smoke but I'm trying to restrain myself from going so , eventhough how stressed out I am . 

My hands clenched into fists , I was getting impatient. I needed to see my brother alive . I aimed my fist to the plastic seat beside me , making it crack as if it was as fragile as  porcelain .

"Mikey ple- " Kellin tried cooeing . He was in no position to do so. He's the fucking culprit of my brothers being . And how dare he call me Mikey? Only Vic does that. Who the hell does he think he is?

"Don't call me that , you son of a bitch" I snapped and shot up . He didn't seem shocked by my sudden outburst. Then again, I'm sure he was expecting it. I'll give him brownie points though , for not chickening out and actually stayed here with the guy that wants so badly to smash his head against a wall while the rest of the guys went home to get us some fresh clothes and food .

"I'm sorry Mike. I really am. I didn't mean for that to happen! If I could have went back in time I would have do- "

" But you can't go back in time now can't you? You can't fucking change the past , can you? Well Kellin , if you weren't such a fucking show off then we wouldn't even be here in the first place! If you had slowed down when I asked you to, Vic wouldn't be in here! It's all your fault! " I was now yelling at the top of my lung. Fuck it if this is a hospital or what .

" Look, Mike. Did you really think I did it on purpose? I don't want him to be in there as much as you do. The brake cable snapped okay?! What do you expect me to do? The minute I found out, it was too late! I'm sorry the truck came out of nowhere . I'm sorry I'm not god. I'm sorry I can't control everything in this world. I'm sorry I couldn't save him okay? " he burst out into tears, something which he've been doing a lot since the accident " I'm just so fucking sorry Mike "

I burried my head into my hands and sighed , getting lost in the crazy scene that I've witness .

Austin and I were just being crazy teens , smoking some joint qnd chilling out to some Nirvana when suddenly something Black in colour sped right pass us .

" Idiots " Austin muttered

"Yeah " I agreed , eyes still focused on the loser that was out to get himself killed . My eyes squinted when I noticed the brown flowy hair that looked familiar , suddenly an image if me pushing my brother on the swing popped up, and how his hair would flow in the wind and I would make fun of him for having 'pantene' hair.

"Dude! Catch up to those guys! " I pointed to the bike infront of us , "That's Kellin and Vic! " I said panickly . At the rate their going, they're going to get themselves killed.

Austin accelerated so that we were a good distance behind them . I rolled my window down and screamed Kellin's name but he couldn't hear me . I looked over to Austin and he nodded , understanding what I meant , He pressed his palm on to the middle of the steering wheel , gaining Kellin's attention. I saw him looking at us from his side view mirror and told him to slow down , but all he did was smirked and went even faster . I rolled the window back up and slumped into my seat , " Your brother is crazy "

"He's an adrenaline junkie. Chill dude , he's a really skilled motorcyclist. I wouldn't worry about him crashing or anything" Austin laughed

It's not him I'm worry about.

I took a puff and stared out of the window , my eyes glued on Kellin . Skilled motorcyclist huh? He seems pretty wobbly to me. I've never riden a bike before , but I'm a hundread percent sure thats not how you do it . Judging by the way Kellin was driving , an accident was bound to happen. And boy, did I wish I wasn't right.

Because with that being said, I had just witness A truck ramp into my brother , sparing Kellin's life .

"Michael Fuentes? " A small voice called out , making me snap back into reality .I quickly wiped away ny tears and made my way to the lady holding a clipboard " I'm Vic's nurse , Shantelle "

" H-how is he? " I asked . I'm not entirely sure if I want to know the answer or not . Oh god, what if it's bad news? I'm not prepare to let him go. I can't let him go

"He died in there , but we managed to ressurect him . He's okay now " She placed a comforting hand on my shoulder and smiled

I breathed out a sigh of relief and hugged the nurse , "Thank you " I smiled , tears of joys replacing my sad misserable ones  

Kellin's P.O.V

"He died in there , but we managed to ressurect him . He's okay now "

I swear , I almost had a heart attack when I heard her said that he died in there. You simply do not say things like that. Nevertheless, I feel so over the moon now that I know my baby's alright . I just want to hold him and give him kisses on all his bruises .

"Hey guys , I'm back " Alex said , one hand holding duffle bags and the other with Taco bells .

"Lex, He's okay! " I smiled

Eventhough I'm not on good terms with Alex , I couldn't help but share the good news .

"Really?" His face brightened up, "that's amazing "

" It is " I looked around, wanting to share the news with the other guys but they were nowhere to be found , "Where are the rest of the guys? " I asked

"They fell asleep , so I came back alone . Didn't want to wake them up " He smiled , "I'll call them and tell them the good news! "

"Boys, you may now see Vic "

We followed the nurse into Vic's private room and I felt myself tearing up again when I saw him lying unconsious on the bed . Both his legs were in casts and he had a metal cage supporting his spine , half of his face was bandaged up .

" Good news is that he has no brain damage or anything serious that will affect his mentality , just a couple of wounds thats all " The nurse said after examining his file, " Bad news is that he lost control of both his legs due to spinal injury "

"W-what do you mean? " Mike and I asked simultaneously

"He'll be in a wheelchair for the rest of his life" Alex said , dumbing it down for us. This is why he's the nerd

Vic and the Bostwick boys (Kellic)Where stories live. Discover now