Nothing but games

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I believe that the ending is near. I'm sensing it. haha maybe 5 chapters left . We'll see (: might write a sequel too though. I don't know. We'll see (":

Short update !

Vic's P.O.V

I felt so lost . Just a day ago , Kellin was mine and I his , we were so in love , the type of love that felt so unreal and suddenly it's all gone. Mike said that we broke up atlease a week ago and that's why he came to San Diego . He came to pick me up so that I could live in New York because I couldn't bare facing Kellin. And now , It's like the break up all over again because I can't freaking remember anything. If only I could remember , then maybe I could try to win Kellin's heart back . But no matter how hard I tried, the memories just weren't coming back. Each time I tried remembering , I would always end up having an episode and then Mike would have to hold me down like I was a grizzly bear or something. It was truly frustrating.


" Here's your Rum & Raisin " Mike came in and handed me my ice-cream . I snatched it from him and begun drowning my sorrows.

"Thanks " I mumbled in between smashing my face with Ice-cream

Mike and Alex were trying really hard to cheer me up and I really did appreciate it , but right now , the only thing that would really cheer me up is Kellin. I've really fallen for him and it all ended way too fast. Hell, I didn't even think that we would end up seperating. I've always thought that we would end up getting married. I guess not.

"Another one my good man " I lifted the empty and half eaten cone for them to see

" That's your sixth one Vic " Alex told me


Alex and Mike exchanged looks , "Uh, it's jus-"

" I get it. You're calling me fat " I interrupted Alex before he could finish his sentence , " I am not - " I removed the cover from my legs and slide my gown up to reveal my supermodel like legs .

"Oh my god. I am getting fat! " I cried out when I notice my leg looking a bit bigger than before. I must have gained atlease 1 pound! Ugh! Why don't just shave me bald and kill me already?

" So.. Uh, do you want another one? " Mike asked, his wallet in his hand

I gasps at him , "You are so not helping me Mikey. I'm on a diet okay ? Stop trying to make me fat. I know your plan ! You're trying to make me fat so you can look slimmer next to me. Well newsflash! Not workin sista " I snapped my fingers at him

I looked at Mike and he looked confused . Oh my god , I must have hurt his feelings . What's going on with me? What type of monster am I that would hurt his own brother? You're a bad person Vic , A BAD PERSON .

"Mikey... I'm sorry! I just fell so bloated and stuff. I think I'm Pms-ing or something " I slurred , " Is it hot or what ? " I reach the hem of my gown to pull it over my head

"No No No" Mike put his hand on the hem of my gown and pull it back down

" No ? " I asked back , tilting my head to the side

" No " Mike said sternly

Mike's P.O.V

I had to wrap my hands around Vic to stop him from lifting his gown up. His whole face was all red and I could feel the heat radiating off his body .

"Is Vic drunk? " Alex whispered

I sighed and nodded my head . I shouldn't have given him so many Rum & Raisin. Knowing Vic, he could get drunk just by drinking a can of Shandy. Yeah, a can of Shandy.

"I can hear youuuuu " Vic sung , " Maybe you should try going shmueinliekshjsb " He whispered the last part in gibberish and flashed us a huge grin.

There was a knock on the door , followed by Kellin holding Vic's Elmo toy I gave him for his birthday in one hand and a unicorn in the other. His face was badly bruised , so is mine, just not as bad. I know we were both in the middle of something right now, but I sort of let it go. Besides , we're already meddling with gis love life. So I think that would be enough to get even with him for hurting Vic. 

"Kelllly! " Vic smiled and spread his arms out wide for a hug

"Hi baby ! " Kellin smiled and walked to the bed to hug Vic but Vic slapped Kellin's arms away .

"What's that for ? " Kellin said. The same smile still remained on his lips and hugged Vic anyways , planting a kiss on Vic's forehead before pulling away.

" Because I hate you! " Vic started hitting at Kellin's chest and tears were rolling down his face , " I hate you for leaving me! "

I nudge Alex on the shoulder and gave him a panicked look . We clearly weren't prepare for this

"What? Baby, it was only one da- "

" Kellin! I need to see you outside " Alex hissed

Kellin looked confused but followed Alex outside

"No, I'm kidding . Don't leave me " Vic called out when Kellin left the room , he stretched out his arms to the door, " I love you " he whispered

Kellin's P.O.V

It was kinda weird see-ing Mike , considering the fact that we were at each other's throat yesterday and today it's like as if nothing happened. I guess the thing that happebed between us was a heat and spur of the momment thing.

Vic on the other hand. That was confusing.

"So, what did you need to talk to me about? " I asked as I lean against the wall opposite Alex

He rubbed at his temper and I could see that hid hands were shaking nervously. Whatever he was about to tell me , I knew wouldn't be good.

Mike's P.O.V

"What's that you have there? " I pointed to the huge unicorn that Vic was playing with , not even bothering to take a look at Elmo .

" Kellic " Vic smiled and went back to humming

"As in Kellin and Vic- Kellic? " I asked

"mmhmm " he hummed

I took the lonely elmo that was sitting by the side of Vic and hugged it . Maybe I did a wrong move trying to interfere with Vic's love life. I saw the way Vic's eye litted up when Kellin walked in the room. That's the same kind of look Tony gets when Alex walks in the room.

Speaking of Alex , here he comes walking in the room with a very upset looking Kellin. Kellin walked over to Vic and whispered something in his ear . Making a tear drop from Vic's eyes as he listened to Kellin's word . Kellin pulled away and cupped his cheek before placing a small kiss on Vic's nose .

"Goodbye Vic " He whispered and then left .

Vic and the Bostwick boys (Kellic)Where stories live. Discover now