All hail the Mad Hatter

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For all you cashby shippers

Austin's P.O.V

After trying to comfort the little mexican next to me and failing miserably at it too. I decided that the person that would make him smile instantly would be none other than Alan Ashby . My best friend that never fails to make me laugh whenever I'm feeling down or just going through a horrible break up.

I dialed his number into my phone and gave him a call .


Hey Ally, Aus here!

Yeah, I have caller I.D you dumb twat


So, why're you calling me so early? You know I hate waking up so early- wait a second! Are you crying? I hear sniffling . Damn! I told you I hated that bitch! It's okay Austin, just hold on kay? I'll be there in 5 !

Uhm, yeah sure . I'm totally crying . Save me prince Alan .

hello... ?

Great. He already hung up. Aren't I feeling stupid now.

"W-who's that? " Vic sniffed

"Just a guy "

" You like him ! " Vic poked my face

" I have a girlfriend. Not everyone's gay, Vic. By the way , aren't you suppose to be depress ? Because like, everyone lied to you or something? "

His lips started trembling and there goes the waterworks. Damn Austin! That's not how you comfort someone.

5 minutes later..

" Heyyo potatoes! " Alan chirped as he entered my room

"Hey " I yawned , feeling extremely tired. I felt like a mother that was rocking her baby to sleep, with vic in my arms at such. Except , the plot twist is that this 'baby' is infact a seventeen year old teenage boy .

" Uhh, Austin ? What are you even trying to attempt ? " Alan pointed at Vic that was cradled up in my arms , with me rocking him like a baby .

" I don't know . I mean moms usually do this to babies when they're crying , so.... I thought I'd give it a shot "

he facepalmed himself .

" Maybe next time you get upset , I should do that to you yea? "

"Oh shut it Ashby. Not everyone's as gifted as you"

He looked at me thoughtfully for a bit and nodded his head , " That's true . Fine, you're forgiven "

" For what? "

" For showing bad parenting skills " He walked over and the weight of the bed shifted , " watch how the pro does it "

"Hey there buddy " Alan coo-ed , making Vic look up at him with teary eyes . When he saw the huge creepy grin on Alan's face he quickly burried his face into my chest , hiding away from Alan . I put my hand on the back of his head , rubbing ny thumb in circles to calm him down .

Alan looked at me and held both his hands up, questioning me what did he do that made Vic so scared .

I pointed to his face and then to the mirror . He turned to the mirror and gave me a really unimpressed look when he figure that I was saying that he had a creepy face in general. 

"I'm not creepy okay? " He punched me in the arm earning a light chuckle from me . I shrugged and gave him a look that wrote 'whatever you say' all over it.

Vic and the Bostwick boys (Kellic)Where stories live. Discover now