bad brothers , evil plans

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Sooooo I'm sorry for the late update :( My boyfriend brought me camping. IT SUCKED. hahaha :3

Alex's P.O.V

"Hey Alex, I need to talk to you " Mike pulled me into an empty room and slumped into the couch

"Yeah? What about? " I asked , leaning against the door . Just in case Mike decides to attack me for god knows what reasons.  That way I could escape quickly.

"Did Kellin and Vic had an arguement? " He asked

"Erm, I don't know. But even if they did , they're okay now. So yeah. " I shrugged

"Do you have any clue what was it they were argue-ing about? "

"Uhh yeah "

It was about what I told Vic. I should know because on that day after Vic stormed out of my room . I may or may not have eavesdrop on their conversation.

" Well? What's it about then? " Mike asked impatiently

" Just something about Kellin and ex of his . Why do you wanna know anyways? "

"Because" Mike stood up and walked towards me , " Vic think that they're in the middle of a arguement and he doesn't know what happened after that , so... " he trailed off

"He would believe us if we said that they broke up" I finished his sentence for him . Why would Mike want to do that to his own brother ? I mean I get that he really hate Kellin's guts, like alot, but I just can't seem to bring myself to do any sabotaging anymore. I felt so bad about what happened to Vic , and a huge amount of guilt towards Kellin. The motorbike incident. I knew that it was no accident. I had a feeling that it was Matty that snapped Kellin's brake cord, and after calling Matty , my thoughts were confirmed. I could see that the guilt was eating Kellin alive ,  I hated how Mike blamed Kellin for what happened when in reality it's my fault. I shouldn't have been such a jealous prick. I shouldn't even called Matty in the first place. Eventhough I really wanted to win just this once. I couldn't bring myself to do anymore harm. This is not some game we're playing and Vic's not just some prize.

"No Mike" I managed to force out. Eventhough inside I'm dying to go with Mike's plan .

"Come on Alex. That way you can be with him"

Wait- He knew? How does he know that I like Vic?

"Oh please, It's so obvious even a blind person could tell " Mike answered as if he was reading the questions in my mind .

"Yeah but I-"

"I'm doing this to protect my brother . This time, he loose his legs . What if next time , Vic looses his life ? Whether you want to go for him after that, thats up to you. But I'm asking you, just please help me with this one lie"

I'm torn between my heart and my brain. My brain ofcause being the logical one , tells me that I've done enough . My heart on the other hand says that I will finally get to be with the guy of my dreams , then again it is also the reason why Vic's in the hospital.

"Damn it! "

I was pulled back into reality by Vic that was lying on the floor with his wheel chair crashed into the wall .

"God Vic! What were you thinking ? " Mike sat his wheelchair up and carried Vic and placed him on his wheelchair .

"W-well you guys were gone for so long and I-I was getting lonely " He played with his fingers , " I'm sowwy " he added later with the most adorable voice I've ever heard .

"Awww " Mike pinched his cheeks , " I could never stay mad at you , come on lets get you back to your room "


Vic and the Bostwick boys (Kellic)Where stories live. Discover now