strange days is strange

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Heyyo! This is just a filler (:

Tony's P.O.V

Turtle turtle turles

eheee .

Omg! Turtle and Star Wars! What if... What if they replaced to Star Wars cast with turtles!

Ohmygod that would be so freaking awesome I can't even- Okay, just calm yourself down Tone Tone!

Vic's P.O.V

"I wonder what he's thinking about " Kellin nudge my side with his eyes still glued to Tony that would sometime mumble something and then just smile for no valid reason. I found that creepy at first , but I'm too used to it to even notice it now.

"Your family's kinda weird " Kellin said , pulling me on to his lap . I was now laying down in between his legs with my head on his chest, his arms holding me safely .

"You like it weird " I smiled up at him

"I do " He smiled back

We were about to kiss if it weren't for Mike shoving his head in between our faces, making boths of us accidentally kiss his cheeks .

"Opps, was I interrupting something? " He grinned

I rolled my eyes and pushed his face away , "yes " I mumbled crankily

Alex's P.O.V

I was scrolling through my facebook page, totally not stalking Vic. I went through his pictures and in everyone of it there's Mike and Tony. Mike looked exactly like how I expected him to be , all badass and stuff. I've never seen Tony before though , he's actually kinda cute , with that whole blur thing he has going on all the time and we actually get along pretty well. I was talking to him earlier after my encounter with Vic just now. Speaking of which, I can't get the image of him , naked out of my head. It just seems so right. Like I'm the one that deserves him not Kellin.

I really have to up my game .

There was Plan A , where I gave them the wrong address . Plan B , where I send Matty over to try to win Kellin back. And then Plan C , where I told Vic about Kellin's true colors.

But all it seems to do is strengthen their relationship. I need to google this.

Jack's P.O.V

" Oh my god! Really babe? "

" Shit! That's great! But you can't come huh? "

" Yeah! I'll just bring the boys"

"Alright, bye babe! Love you "

I ended the call with my girlfriend and burst into out room, I was so freaking excited that I was hopping all around the room .

Alex closed his laptop shut and gave me one of his annoyed looks . "You better wipe that look off your face! Because guess who has tickets to the already sold out Mayday Parade concert ?! "

"You fucking didn't ! " Alex said , his face mirroring my own excitement . Mayday Parade was out favourite band and we've been trying to get tickets all summer, but we were too late

" I fucking did! Front row baby! "

We both burst into excitement and blasted Mayday Parade's Kids In Love . We started dancing around and singing along and soon joined by the rest of the boys.

"We heard Mayday Parade! " Tony exclaimed

"Yeah! My girlfriend gave me 10 Tickets to their concert! We're all going! " I screamed over the music and everyone cheered except Alex who suddenly reverted back to his old cranky self.

Don't know what his deal is . He needs to get laid.

Austin's P.O.V

While everyone was dancing to the beat of the music . I was sitting in the corner recording their every moves. This has got to be the most uncoordinate bunch of people I know .

First there's Jack , that's twerking against Alex that was doing the sprinkler jam . Next there's Tony that's crawling around the floor with a laundry basket over his back, almost resembling a turtle. Then , there's Mike that was doing the sideway crab dance , blocking Kellin that was trying to shuffle to Vic. And last but not least, there's Vic that's making out with himself in a corner.

This has got to be one of the weirdest days I've ever had. Then again, this couple of days were already very strange.


Incase you didn't realize , everyone has a part in this story (:

Vic and the Bostwick boys (Kellic)Where stories live. Discover now