keeping up with the fuenwick-iens

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decided that this story will not end so soon. (=

Kellin's P.O.V

I woke up this morning with the worst headache ever , I couldn't remember much about what happened last night until I got up from bed tripping over an empty bottle of Whiskey.

I guess what I was trying to forget must have sucked. I was about to head to the showers to wash off the stench of alcohol and vomit off of me but my stomach was growling like a fucking grizzly bear . Then I realized, I drank with an empty stomach last night. That explains why I'm having such a bad hang over.

I groaned as I left the darkness of my room into the brightness of the hallway . My head pounding more and more with each step I take.

"Fuck you " I cursed to nobody but myself for letting me get so wasted over god knowd what. Whatever it is, it better be god damn worth it.

I dragged myself down the stairs , feeling all air leave my lungs when I reached the final step. I sat down on the bottom of steps to lazy to move and muscle. My eyes fluttered shut and I passed out of exhaustion.

Vic's P.O.V

I woke up to the most unfamilliar feeling ever . I opened my eyes and saw that I was in the same position that I was last night. My head laying on top of Alex's chest as if it were a pillow and his arms wrapped around me like it was a blanket providing me warmth.  I smiled at the image of the sleeping Alex , remembering the kiss that we shared last night. And then , I too remembered something else.


and how he saw me making out with his brother! My oh my, what a whore I'm becoming.

I had to go see Kellin, I felt the need to give an explanation. Eventhough there isn't any to give. Maybe it's just me so desperately finding an excuse to talk to him. Either ways, I needed to look for him .

I skillfully manuevered myself from the couch to my wheelchair , making sure I don't make any big movements that'll wake Alex up. I wheeled myself to the stairs , thinking how am I going to get up those flights of stairs ? Everyone seems to be sleeping like pigs right now. With that being said , a very gorgeous looking pig revealed itself sleeping on the stairs.

Oh, Kells . How did you ended up here?

If I had the ability to walk right now, I would carry you to your bed and tug you in. I look at my legs and hammered them with my fist. useless . But do you know what's not so useless?


In just a nick of time he came sneaking through the front door just like he would every other morning .

"Austin! " I whisper-screamed in excitement when I saw my saviour

"What? " He whispered back, dragging the 'A'

" Can you please, pretty pretty please carry me and Kellin up to his room? Please? I mean I would , b-but I can't walk . And I know I'm being really troublesome and de- "

"Alright alright. Sheesh Kid, didn't have to play that card now do you ? "

I smiled and shrugged my shoulders. He carefully scooped Kellin up from the ground and squat down for me to hold on to his shoulders . I hung on to him using my hands to wrap around his neck. Almost chocking him yo deathe. He quickly bend backwards , landing me back in my wheel chair . His face bright red from the lack of oxygen .

"Yeee , I didn't think that was going to work either " I giggled , " I'm just going to make breakfast, how bout you bring him down and then come down and get me afterwards? " I suggested .

"What do you think of me? An elavator ? " Austin shot me an unimpreseed look

" Awww, come on! You're like a giant . 4 flights of stairs for you is like what? 1 flight in your world. " I covered my mouth , trying to surpress my laughter. I swear, I'm a jokester sometimes.

"You know, most people that are out to seek other's help , they usually ask nicely. But no, not you . You , you insult them "

I stuck out my tongue at him and he rolled his eyes , making his way up the stairs .

"Thank you big Austin " I called out after him

"Atlease I'm not miniature "

"Oi! Don't you go there! " I warned

"Already did! "

Meanie potato.


I squinted at the bacon in my hands with concentration. They say that third time's a charm but I believe that the eighth time is a charm.

I tossed the bacon high up in the air, fist pumping when I heard the sound of a sizzle .

"And that my friend is how you cook a bacon . Handicapped style " I took a bow , imaginating a crowd of audience

" Or... you could have taken the pan down from the stove so that its leveled with you , put the bacon on the pan and then put it back on the stove " Austin took control of the pan and started doing some Gordon Ramsay shit with it. Flipping it and stuff.

" Well , I never thought of that " I wheeled away embarrassingly, running over a small bump as I did so.

"You fucking dimwit ! " Austin yelled , lifting his foot up to his chest , hopping around on one foot.

"Oh " I said realizing that , that small bump I ran over was a not so small foot , " Well, you should really watch where you land your foot "

" I- Me ? My foot ?! I'll shove my foot up your tiny little butthole you fucking midget ! How about a 'oh , I am sorry for running over your foot' or maybe even a 'is your feet okay , Austin? ' "

"It's not my - "

"Ow , why you did that for ? " I pouted at Austin while rubbing the slimy uncooked bacon juice off my face .

"Do you know how annoying you are? It's not even normal " He took another slice of bacon up from the counter and slapped me with it.

"Now, that's just rude "

"No, You're rude "

I stuck my tongue out at him and giggled afterwards. I don't know why do I find such amusement annoying Austin. I always feel extra childish around him.

"Austyyyy my magic carpet! Fly me to the Kellinator's room " I stretched out my arms and bounced excitedly. Atlease I think that was what I was doing. I'm pretty sure I look like a zombie that has the twitch .

"No, go away " He pushed my hands away

I pouted and gave him tbe best puppy dog face I had , " but Austyyyyyyy " I whined .

" Shut up and eat your bacon ! " He shoved a bacon into my mouth. A very burned one too I might add .

"Aus- "

He shoved yet another burned one into my mouth

"Austin! " I swamp the third one away before it could land anywhere near my mouth , " Save some for Kelly! "

That was the main reason why I made bacons , because I could tell that Kellin  was really hung over and I've heard somewhere that meats helps cure hangovers . Plus, that's his favourite food.

"Kellin? Weren't you two -what? You know what? I don't even wanna know "

Just call it Keeping up with the Fuenwick-iens .

Vic and the Bostwick boys (Kellic)Where stories live. Discover now