My brother's a maniac

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1K reads! thank u guys so much! *Dances around naked*

Muacks !!!!!!!

Vic's P.O.V

I nuzzled my face into Kellin's neck and I could feel his lips curving into a smile when he placed his lips to my forehead .

I love how we spent the whole day cuddled up next to each other , without having to say a single word . It's not that we had nothing to say though, it's just one of those thing where you're next to the person you love and all you want to do is embrace each other and fall into comfortable silence . Ofcause , the silence was broken when my phone started ringing.

"What?! " I screamed into the receiver , Kellin gave me a weird look and I decided to be more feminine , " I mean , hello this is Victor speaking "

" Hermano! "

" Omgod Kellin! It's my freaking brother from another mother,  Mikey! " I screamed at both Kellin and Mike that was on the phone. Kellin just  looked at  me  with wide eyes , wider than usual and nodded awkwardly .

"Who's Kellin? " Mike asked in a fatherly tone

" Umm , mabofernn" I mumbled . I felt quite bad for not  telling Mike about my first boy friend . But meh,  the guilt only lasted for a second .

" Get on video now! "

"Fine, sheesh! "

I switched my video on , and put the phone a few inches away from me so that he could see Kellin in the small screen too.

" VICCY POO " I saw Mike's mouth word , when nothing but his lips appeared on the screen

" YOU'RE TOO CLOSE TO THE SCREEN ! " I laughed up. Oh god , how much did I miss my lil' brother . He backed away so that we could see his face and immediately Kellin turned to me with a shock expression on his face .

" That is your brother ? " He asked me , sounding really surprised

I shrugged

"So you're the boyfriend? And why are you two half naked? " Mike asked from the other end with a bitch look plastered on his face.

" Actually we're both fully naked " Kellin looked at me up and down and smirked . Did I not mention that we had make up sex? Well we did. But that is not something you tell one's brother! I haven't even tell mikey that Kellin's my boyfriend yet and here he is getting into details. I nudge Kellin and scowled at him, but he just laughed it off.

Mikey's eye widened , I guess he was so not expecting this. " TONY! " Mike called out .

I smacked myself in the head knowing that I should have put on some clothes first before video chatting with your brother and his turtle.

"Hi Vi- WHAT THE DAMN HELL! " he yelled when he saw me and Kellin shirtless in the screen. Thankgod they couldn't see pass our waist or that would be really weird .

I just put on an embarrassing smile and waved awkwardly

"Exactly right? " Mike said to Tony

"How long have you been fucking little Viccy? " Mike asked with a stern look at his face

"Mikey! " I whined

Kellin opened his mouth but I quickly clasp my hand over his mouth . " We didn't do anything! We just enjoy laying naked in bed together " I facepalmed myself when I realized how stupid that sounded. Way to make thing better Vic . Way to go!

" You've only been gone for like what? 3 weeks and you're already hiding so much from me?! No. No, I said no. I don't like this one bit! Tony! " Mike screamed eventhough Tony was right next to him , " Ask dad to get the private plane ready! We're going over to Michigan ! "

"Mik- "

" And you! " He pointed to kellin , " You are not allowed to touch Vic or go near him till I get there , you heard? Or I swear that I'm going to whoop your ass so hard you're gonna feel like you've been fucked in the ass a million times! Now! go back to your room and put some clothes on for christ sake!" Mike shooed Kellin away

I gave Kellin an apologetic look when he was getting dress, but apparently he found this really amusing as he kept snickering . I waved goodbye, eventhough all I really wanted was to kiss him and hump his face , but no . We can't do that can we?

"Seriously? " I spoke when Kellin's gone

"Yes. Seriously. Boyfriend, I can deal . But the fact that you two already did it and I haven't even met him or heard of him before? I'm sorry I just can't! I don't care I'm going to stay on the phone all day till I reach there! "

I groan and burried my head into the pillow . Ugh, little brothers huh?

Vic and the Bostwick boys (Kellic)Where stories live. Discover now