A date with Alex

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I believe we shall call them TALEX ( Tony x Alex )

Vic's P.O.V

I guess It's nice to finally be back in the Bostwick house . I swear I felt like I was slowly turning into a Zom Zom in the hospital. Though I think it would be kinda cool to run around and chew on people's brain. Also, zombies don't have feelings , so that would be perfect.

Mike carried me and transfered me into the indoor wheel chair and pushed me into the living room where I was greeted by the bostwick family and a couple of friends I met during the pool party . It was nice of them to put in so much thought in planning everything. From the banners to the food and the... balloons. Balloons. Which reminded me of Kellin, the way he asked me out. Speaking of him, he was no where to be seen. I guess a part of me was wishing that we would be one of those couples that still stay madly in love with each other after they've broken up.  I mean I know that I'm still madly in love with him. He on the other hand, he just dissapeared.

It's like althese time I knew that we were already over , but see-ing as was really avoiding me made me fell sick to my stomach . I knew that there was no way I would be able to put up a fake smile and just play along. I couldn't hide my emotions anymore. I've been keeping it in ever since Kellin said goodbye . I just couldn't do that anymore .

"Mike " I could hear the tremble in my voice , " can we please go ? " I hid my face using my hands , I couldn't see their expressions but I could hear their mumbles .

Why's he crying?

Is he going to start another episode again?

That poor thing .

Is he going to be okay?

I needed to dissapear right now. And so, I did what I had to do because Mike seem to distracted by all the girls.  I tilt my body to the side so that the wheelchair will fall over and dragged myself to the coat room using my arm . Thank god for all those pole dancing lessons. If it weren't for it , my arms would have been jello. I know I could have wheeled chair out, but I just wanted to dissapeared right away. Like I wish I owned a magic cloak that makes me invinsible.

"Vic ! " Mike bang on the door after I locked it shut  , " Viccy... Please... Don't do this "

There it is. The hurt in his voice. Why am I such a burden to him?

"I can't Mike " I lean my head against the door and started sobbing like the little cry baby I'm becoming . " I miss him so much Mike... Why? Why must he leave me ? What did I do wrong Mikey? " I said as I bang my head against the door

"Viccy , you didn't do anything wrong " He sighed and turned the doorknob but it was locked , " Please let me in ... Please Vic " he pleaded

"No mike. Please go away" It was embarrassing really, with all my mood swings going on and me having to rely on my younger brother. I mean I knew that all this time Mikey has always been protective of me , but something about me breaking down over a boy just makes this whole situation seem ridiculous. Like Mikey doesn't act out like I am doing right now when the girl that he really truly loved walked out of his life. It's like I'm useless and I can't even act like a normal human. 

" Vic , Mike's gone. It's me , Alex. I'm coming in okay? "

I heard the sound of keys rumbling and not long after that the door swung open , leaving me unprepared . My head-which was leaning so unconveniently on the door, face planted on to the ground .

Maybe so hard that I may haved blacked out. Or maybe it was just because I was crying too much and I was getting sleepy from all the tears running down my eyes .

Vic and the Bostwick boys (Kellic)Where stories live. Discover now