This little girl named Copeland

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so rmb how i said that I had to study for an exam? Well I overslept. so guess who's never getting pass her final year of college? This gal.

Just a filler. Don't be hater.

Vic's P.O.V

During the entire car ride , Kellin was going on and on about how excited he was to bring me to this 5 star restaurant.

"You don't know how hard it is to get a table here! "

He parked the car and we both got out , he ofcause, being the gentlemen he is ,  opened the car door for me .

I've never been to a 5 star restaurant , its not because I can't afford it , because well I certainly can , but its because of all the snobish , judgemental peoples that makes me fell like setting their ass on fire. Standing outside of a cold concrete building, with depressed looking kids surrounding the premise and broken toys scattered around the dead unmow-ed lawn , I felt my skin tingling with eerie-ness. I for one am not a fan of eerieness.

I took one more glance at the sight before me. This looks like what belongs in American Horror Story.

This is the 5 star restaurant Kellin was going all day and night about? I think the only thing we'd be eating here , would be rats. And boy, do they taste horrible. How do i know? I was about 8 and was watching shrek , he was my idol ,I thought that I would be more like him if I ate my pet hamster. Well ofcause I didn't eat my hamster, I shoved it in my mouth just too get that rat taste . Anywho, I may not have been to a fancy restaurant before , but I'm a hundread percent sure that this isn't one of them.

" Kells, this is the 5 star restaurant you've been blabbing about? "

" I think I may have taken a wrong turn somewhere "

" No shit Sherlocks "

"No need for such sass , Mr. Sassy pants "

"No need to be such a loser, Mr. Loser pants"

"No one uses that term ya doofus"

Obviously no one's ever thought of that clever because they're all lame or something.

"You're just jea-"

Our little arguement we had going on was interrupted when a little girl came squealing our way. She had gorgeous blue eyes, which reminded me of Kellin. They could even be long lost siblings.

I opened my mouth to speak and Kell did the same thing . Both of us saying the exact same thing " She sorta looks like you" , followed by both of us argue-ing on why she looks more like the other .

"Stop fighting! Its not nice to for brothers to fight!" She pouted my signature pout.

Womeeeeen you did not just.

"We're not related" Kellin chimed in before I could go all Shaniqua on her. He's learned that my inner ego is a single independent black female that sometime enjoy spice girls. I've taught him well.

"Oh anyways why are you here? No one ever visits us" Her expression went from happy to sad and then happy again, " unless... You're here to adopt someone?! Omg! Please adopt me!!!! "

Kellin's P.O.V

As much as I would like to adopt the little ball of sunshine , I couldn't . Why? Because I fucking hate kids. One, they are annoying as hell. Two , they can't even shut up for a second . Three, they're scary as hell and four just because. Besides we are not even the legal age.

"Uh , yeah no. We just took a wrong turn. If you don't mind, we'll be leaving now " I grab a hole of Vic's arm and pulled him towards the car but he wasn't moving.

Vic and the Bostwick boys (Kellic)Where stories live. Discover now