Long Day At Work

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"Introducing first, from Fort Lauderdale, FL....LITA" Lita's theme blasted as the announcer spoke. Tonight she was wearing a light pink crop top with her tattoo peeking out of the netted top from her shoulder. She wore loose black pants to top it off. Her red, shiny hair was slightly curled, and it bounced back and forth as she approached the ring.
She patiently waited for her competitor to come out from backstage.

It was no other than...
"And her opponent, from Toronto Ontario, Canada.... TRISH STRATUS!"
The ref stepped inside the ring calling for the bell.
The match had started with Lita taking control. The plan was for Lita to win the match in order for her to proceed further into getting a shot at the women's championship. Although Lita and Trish Stratus were best friends, they had to do their jobs.
Lita gave Trish some fore arms and pushed her against the ropes. Lita was planning to get a clothesline, but Trish did the Matrix. Lita was annoyed that she had missed. As soon as Lita turned around, she was treated with a chick kick. Trish waisted no time to pin her.
1...2...KICK OUT!
You could see the frustration starting to build up inside of Trish. Lita helped herself to the ropes and started to get back up. It wasn't long before Trish kicked her, causing her to fall back down.
Jeff Hardy sat backstage with his brother, Matt Hardy. The two decided to watch the match since there was nothing else to do.
"Bro," Matt said with a slap.
"Who do you think will win? I've got some money on Trish, you know she's been doing pretty good the last couple of weeks."
"Hmmm, I'm not sure about this one," Jeff said with a sigh
"You know, Lita isn't so bad herself."
"Still, I think Trish might win." Replied Matt. Not long after, Victoria entered the room.
"Hey buttercup!" Victoria adored Matt.
"What's up, sweetheart?" Matt said with a smile on his face.
"Nothing much. Mind if I watch the match with you guys?" Asked Victoria.
"Not at all." Matt said pulling Victoria on his lap.
Lita delivered a power bomb to Trish. This allowed Lita to make it to the top of the ropes and finish the match off with a moonsault. Lita grabbed Trish's leg as she landed.
"RING THE BELL" screamed the referee. Lita's theme song started play.

"Here is your winner.... LITA!" Lita hadn't even noticed that Lillian hadn't been here tonight to announce, she noticed it when she heard the mans voice. Trish walked up the ramp to the backstage, and waited for her best friend. Not too long after, Lita had made her way through the curtains into the backstage.
"Great match!" Trish said with a grin on her face.
" I know I got so exhausted," Lita replied.
" You know, lately I've been thinking about Chris Jericho. I don't know-every time I see him, I feel this weird way. I think I might be falling in love." Trish said with a sigh.
"Well how about you confro- wait never mind you would never be able to do that." Trish slapped Lita gently on the arm with a little laugh.
"BUT.." Lita continued.
"BUT WHAT!" Trish demanded.
"Calm down woman. Anyway, BUT I can ask him what he thinks about you. You know, I kinda get along with him so maybe he'll be open with me," Lita suggested.
"Yeah, try that and see how it goes." Trish replied to the redhead. The two girls managed to walk to their locker room that they had begged Vince to give them. Since none of them had a match after, they got dressed and packed their bags.
"Hey..umm Trish?"
"I'm going to go get something to drink since Jericho is usually in the cafeteria. Maybe I'll find him there and I could talk to him. Want anything?"
"Nah, I'm good. Thanks though." Trish replied
"Alright, I'll be back." Lita said
She was headed towards the door when the little blonde said something,
" OH, and Lita please don't mention that I like him."
" I will," Lita said with a wink
Trish knew she was joking.
Lita was headed towards the cafeteria.. so was Jeff. She didn't get to see him since he was very far behind. Of course, Jericho was making himself some coffee. Lita came up and she decided on what she wanted to drink. She stood beside him.
"Hey red, what's up?"
"Nothing much, Jericho. How about you?"
" You know just getting the hots from every girl backstage," Jericho smirked proudly.
"Wow, I mean it isn't surprising that a guy like you would here the hots from every girl backstage." Lita said teasing Jericho.
"Speaking of love, what do you think about that blondie, Trish Stratus?"
"She's hot. I mean I do have to say that she looks like a good person to hang out with. I may have feelings for her even though I haven't even met her yet. Lita, tell me is that bad?"
" Well I don't think it's bad. Just get to know her. I'm sure she'll like you or maybe even fall in love with you the first time you take her out somewhere. I mean you're a pretty good guy. Just do me a favor and ask her out on a date."
" How is that doing you a favor?" He asked.
"LOOK JERICHO! I'm only trying to help you out with your love skills."
" I'll think about asking her out. Well then, I guess this conversation is over." Jericho declared.
He walked away so proud of himself.
"Dumbass" She thought to herself. She let out a little smile and grabbed her cup of coffee. She didn't even remember to put the lid on it.
Jeff walked down the halls thinking of the moonsault that Lita had delivered to Trish. Why was he even thinking about this? About her. He saw it all: the way her body moved as it climbed up the ropes. The way her hair flipped swaying back and forth. The way she smiled when she-
"Oh my god! I'm so sorry!" He told Lita.
"Don't worry about it, it's fine."
Lita was covered with coffee and it was burning her stomach, but she didn't even dare say anything about it or scream in pain.
" My fault for not putting a lid on it." She said with a sigh.
"No, it's my fault for not watching where I was going." Replied Jeff.
How could he be so stupid he thought.
" It doesn't matter. I'm just going to go take a shower." Lita said with a smile on her face. And with that, she walked quickly to her locker room.

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