Boring Bus Ride. Or Is It?

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Lita woke up and turned around. Jeff wasn't there. The sun wasn't out because it was still raining, but not as bad as before. She took her phone from underneath her pillow and turned it on. It was already 9:02. Lita stretched her hands and tried to keep that position while she got up. Unfortunately she hit her head. This impact sent her down again. She rubbed her head and cursed.
"Second time!" She said under her breath. She noticed that the bus wasn't moving since she woke up. She pulled open the curtain.
"Good morning, sleeping beauty!" Trish said. All of the boys and girls were staring at her. She was a little creeped out by this.
"Don't you just love it when you wake up and see people staring at you?" Lita was being sarcastic. She got off the top bunk and made her way out the bus. They were at a gas station. They all walked out and the girls headed to the bathrooms while the boys got their food. The girls fixed themselves up a little and went to go get food. Lita didn't want much for breakfast and so she got a yogurt with crushed Oreos. They all picked their lunch as well. Lita picked a salad and some chips just in case she got hungry. She grabbed 2 water bottles and a Snapple.
"Where are we now?" Lita asked.
"I think we're in Montana," Answered Christian. They all paid and got back on the bus. The bus drove off and was back on the highway. The girls ate in the back while the boys ate in the front and watched tv.
"Anything you girls have in mind so we could do?" Victoria asked as she wiped her mouth.
"Let's play what/ who is the worst," Torrie suggested. They agreed.
"I'll go first. Who is the worst boy on the bus?" Lita asked. They all looked at each other.
"Let's not attack each other now!" Lita warned.
"If I had to choose one, Chris," Victoria said.
"Chris." Torrie agreed.
"Christian," Trish answered.
It was Torrie's turn.
"What is the worst girl name?"
"Helga," Victoria answered.
"Olga,"'Trish replied.
"Teeka?" Lita thought of this random name.
"What the hell?" Trish said.
"Great name, Li," Victoria laughed. Lita laughed at the name she chose. The girls continued playing.
After they were tired of that game, they decided to go see what the boys were doing. They boys were playing with a deck of cards.
"Hey boys," The girls said.
"Hey, what are you girls doing?" They asked.
"Well we were playing a game, right Teeka?" Victoria looked at Lita. The girls laughed.
"Yes, right," Lita answered.
"Teeka? Cool name, Li," The boys laughed.
"How'd you get that name, Teeka?" Matt asked.
"Its a long story," Lita said. The girls walked to the back again.
"What should we do now? It's only noon." Torrie asked.
"Well, looks like we're going to be bored for the next day." Trish said. "Let's online shop." Lita suggested. The girls were soon on their phones.
"I like these shoes." Trish pointed to her screen.

"They look cute," Victoria said

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"They look cute," Victoria said.
"I think I'll get this,"Torrie pointed to a model wearing some pajamas.

 "I think I'll get this,"Torrie pointed to a model wearing some pajamas

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"I think I'll get these," Lita pointed.

"I like this one," Victoria finally said

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"I like this one," Victoria finally said.

   The girls all got what they wanted

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The girls all got what they wanted. They had spent an hour doing this. After that they were bored. The girls went to bother the boys again. They went to the front to find out that all the boys were knocked out. Matt was the only one snoring. Lita smiled and the girls knew what she was going to do.
"Let's pull a prank!" Torrie whispered. They all nodded this time.
"I'm out of ideas though," Lita replied with a frown.
"Let's do that thing where you tie their shoes together, put whipped cream on their face; and then tickle them with a feather on the nose." Trish suggested.
"Look now you're starting to be more like me," Lita smiled. Victoria went to the front of the bus to ask the bus driver to stop at the next grocery store. He did as he was told and the girls got off. They quickly got in the store and got whipped cream and a feather from the party aisle. They paid and went back inside the bus. The bus continued to drive. Victoria tied all of their shoes together with the help of Torrie. Trish and Lita got some whipped cream and carefully spread it across their faces. They all got up and got a feather. They held it up to their noses and counted to three.
"One...two...three!" The girls tickled their nose and quickly ran to the back. Victoria tripped over some bags. Torrie went back and tried to drag her so she wouldn't get caught. The girls watched as the boy spread the whipped cream across their face and got up. They all fell over because they tried getting up at the same time and their shoes were untied. They were a mess. The girls laughed as the boys cursed.
"Can't even get some damn sleep on the bus!" Jeff yelled.
"I'm going to kill you girls!" Matt said.
"We are so getting you girls back!" Both Christian and Chris said. The girls couldn't help but laugh. They finally came back to the front and helped the boys untie their shoes and cleaned their faces.
"I bet this was Lita's idea." Said Chris.
"It probably was," Matt agreed.
"It was actually my idea," Trish said.
"See what you do, Li? Now Trish is going to pull pranks on me every day," Chris shook his head.
"Well we're going back to sleep," The boys said.
"I'll keep watch so they don't do anything," Jeff said and they all agreed.
"I'm also tired. Girls let's go to sleep. One of you watch," Victoria said.
"I'll watch out for them," Lita said and followed the girls to the back. They were all sleeping except for Lita and Jeff. Jeff went to the back towards Lita. She was on the first bottom bunk. She looked out the window as the water droplets on the window joined together. It was colder than it was this morning. He opened the curtain and sat right next to Lita.
"So hows this pranking business going?" Jeff said with a smile.
"It's going pretty good. I think I might pull another prank today." Lita stated. Jeff knew exactly what she meant.
"Well I do have a pretty good one up my sleeve." Jeff got more closer to Lita.
"May I ask what it is?" Lita's voice got quieter.
"We put one girl and one boy together in a bunk, but they cannot be dating. When they wake up, they'll be freaked out. These people are heavy sleepers and won't wake up," Lita smiled at the idea of it.
"Let's do it," She whispered. They both got up right away. Lita pointed to Trish and Matt. He nodded and tried to pick Matt up. Matt was heavier than Jeff, so it was difficult. Lita moved Trish over a bit and soon Jeff placed him down. Jeff pointed at Victoria and Christian. Lita went to the top bunk and carried Victoria to a bottom bunk. Christian was soon with Victoria. Then Lita moved Torrie over a bit, and soon her and Chris were both snuggled up together. Jeff gave Lita a high five. They both sat on another bottom bunk and continued to talk about random stuff. Soon they were out of things to talk about.
"You know what would make this prank better?" Lita asked.
"If we both pretended to be asleep, so that we are the only couple that is actually sleeping together?" Lita nodded. He was thinking exactly what she was thinking. They both laid down and soon heard some movement. They were in huge trouble.

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