On The Bus Again

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The girls walked on the bus and waited for the boys.
"These boys are taking way too long! We should be on the rode by now," Trish pulled her hair up into a bun.
"Let's do something in the meanwhile." Torrie suggested.
"How long is it going to take to get back home?" Lita asked.
"I think about two to three days," Victoria responded.
"How about we play this," Torrie took out CandyLand from her bag.
"It's definitely normal for a person to carry around CandyLand in their bag," The girls laughed.
"I'll be blue," Lita said grabbing the piece.
"Red," Trish said.
"Green," Victoria grabbed it.
"And yellow," Torrie put it all together.
"Okay Who is the youngest?" Torrie asked. Everyone looked at Trish. She put her piece in front. Then Torrie, then Lita, and finally Victoria. The girls played.
The girls finished in 15 minutes. Lita looked at the clock. 1:23 AM.
"Why aren't the boys here?" Asked Lita. All of them shrugged and looked out the window. There was no sign of them.
"I'm tired." Torrie said rubbing her eyes.
"How about we go to sleep and Lita keeps watch?" Trish said.
"Sure, I'll wake you girls up when they come. Just go back to the bunkbeds." The girls headed to the back and fell asleep as soon as their heads touched the pillows. Lita took her phone out and texted Jeff.
Lita:When are you guys going to come? Lita waited for him the respond. About five minutes later her phones buzzed. She picked it up and looked at it.
Jeff:Holy shit we fell asleep. We will be there soon.
Jeff woke up the boys.
"Get your ass up guys!" Jeff screamed. He ran through the hotel room trying to get ready. The boys all looked at the clock and got up faster than they ever have before.
Lita leaned her back against the window. It was dark and rainy. She looked at the drops of water falling on the opposite window. She put her legs up against her chest. It was so cold and windy. Lita was wearing a short sleeve with leggings. She hugged her legs trying to get warm. Lita got up and went to the back. She grabbed a thin blanket from her bag and headed back to her seat. She saw some lights. The boys came in a taxi. Lita went to go wake up the girls.
"Just tell them we're sleeping," They all said and fell back asleep. Lita sat back down in her seat and got on her phone as the boys jumped on the bus.
"It's about time you boys came," Lita said putting down her phone.
"Sorry, we slept in for too long," Matt replied.
"Where are the girls?" Chris asked.
"They're in the back sleeping." Lita answered.
"We'll go sleep with them," The boys headed to the back. Jeff sat next to Lita as she moved her legs.
"You cold?" He asked.
"Yup, that's why I have a blanket." She said looking out the window as the bus drove off. He put his arms around her. Lita warmed up right away.
"Let's go to the back and catch some sleep," Both of them walked to the back. The only bunk left was the top one. She hated the top because it was such a struggle to get on top. She climbed up and Jeff followed. He laid down with Lita right next to him. She put her head on his chest as he hugged her. They both fell asleep.
Lita woke up to the sound of rain. She got up without waking Jeff. She jumped down from the top and walked towards the front. She walked up to the bus driver.
"Should we pull over?" She asked.
"This is only a little rain and a small thunder storm. We'll be fine." She nodded and walked to the back. She climbed up again. Jeff hugged her tightly. She fell back asleep.
Lita woke up again. She looked at her phone. 4:12AM. She couldn't fall back asleep. Now there was a thunder storm. She got scared as she heard a huge boom. Jeff jumped. He woke up.
"That damn scared me!" He whispered to her.
"I was dreaming about kissing you until that dumbass thing woke me up," Jeff complained.
"It doesn't have to be a dream," She said. He smiled and kissed her. Lita used that one technique she used last time. His piercing rubbed against her tongue. She tried to put Lita on top of him. Lita bumped her head on the roof.
"Ow!" Lita flopped back down and held her head.
"Oh my god, I'm so sorry," Jeff rubbed her head and kissed it.
"It was my fault. I should have kept my head lower," She assured him.
"I can't fall back asleep," She said.
"Neither can I," He replied back. She looked out through the little window they had beside. Lita combed her fingers through his hair. He liked the feeling of it especially with her long nails.
"I can't wait to go home," Lita said.
"I want to go in the pool," Jeff said with his eyes closed.
"The girls agreed to come over the other day, but they never did," Lita replied. Jeff nodded.
"Let's play I-spy. I'll go first." Lita looked around for something to pick.
"I spy with my little eyes something long, white, and comfortable." Jeff thought of all the possible things.
"My uhh.." He looked down at his pants. Lita slapped him on the chest.
"No!" She said.
"Pillow?" Jeff answered.
"No." Lita smiled.
"Umm..Oh! I got it!! My shoes." He said confidently.
"No," This was an easy one, but he was sure stumped.
"Do you give up?" She asked.
"If I give up, I'll never hear the end of this," Lita laughed.
"I promise I won't bring it up," She giggled.
"Fine, what is it?"
"This mattress," She said calmly.
"Well this one will stump you." He cleared this throat.
"I spy with my little eyes something gorgeous, red, and incredible," He looked down at her. She acted like she didn't know, but she knew that he was talking about her.
"I honestly don't know. I give up."
"That quick?" He asked.
"Wait, is it a sunset?" She asked.
"Li, there is no sunset." He laughed.
"Oh wait, I forgot that you had to see it. Oops."
"Well I'm looking straight at the answer." He looked right into her eyes. She knew that she was indeed in love with him. She kissed him unexpectedly. For a few seconds he wasn't kissing her back. Did she do something wrong? She felt relieved when he kissed her back. The kiss lasted for a good thirty seconds. She pulled away to breath. She checked her phone again. 4:56AM. Wow time passed quickly.
"I'm bored now." Lita said. She looked over and Jeff was asleep.
"I thought you said you couldn't go back to sleep," Lita shook her head and tried to go to sleep. It took her almost half an hour to do so.

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