Stop Following Me!

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The girls arrived at Lita's house. They hopped in the shower and got all the sand off of them. Once they all showered, they met in the living room.
"Anyone want to play Just Dance?" Victoria asked.
"Yes!" They all agreed. Soon all the girls were dancing to all sorts of songs. The girls were interrupted by a knock. Trish paused the song and Lita walked over to the door. She looked through the eyehole and saw the boys. She mouthed that the boys were here. Lita locked the door and Torrie turned off the lights. Trish accidentally pressed the play button. The Macarena song started to play again.
"SHHH!" They all said and hurried to help Trish. The girls stood in the middle of the living room and waited silently. They knew the boys had come for pay back. The boys made their way to the other side of the apartment and where standing at the window. The girls had their backs towards the window. The boys laughed as they saw the girls nervously walk around the room. Lita looked over at the window and gasped. The other girls turned their heads and bolted towards Lita's room locking Lita out. Lita tried to open the door. Fuck. She noticed that they locked her out. She turned around and bumped into Jeff's chest.
"Where you going, baby?" Jeff smiled as Lita's heart was pounding. She looked over and the window was open. The boys had made their way to the window that was in Lita's room.
"I'm sorry, Jeff!" Lita begged. He got closer to her and she was now up against a wall. She could feel Jeff breathing on her.
"Don't worry, baby. Everything will be alright." Jeff kissed her on the lips. He opened his eyes and saw the terror in Lita's eyes. The plan that the boys came up with was going well. They were suppose to scare the girls into doing anything they wanted. This way, the girls could do the laundry for them, or other things. She looked up at him. He leaned closer and started kissing her neck. He grabbed her hand.
"You're coming with me," He said in an angry voice just to make her scared.
"Wait Jeff!" She cried. He turned around and saw Lita smile.
"I know what you're doing. You boys are making us do whatever you want."
"How'd you know!" Jeff said confused.
"Jeff, we're girls. You can't expect us not to know."
"If you want something, then why don't you just ask me?" Lita said.
"Well you know what I want, baby," Jeff said. She was still up against a wall. She kissed him and felt his piercing. It was a feeling she couldn't describe. She heard the door handle move.
"We'll have to continue this later. Now why don't you tell your friends to stop bothering us before we get mad!"
"Yes ma'am," Jeff said and hurried out the window. She walked over and closed the window. Lita saw the boys drive off. The rest of the girls came out.
"Well thanks for ditching me," Lita complained.
"The boys were in the room before we were! When we came in, they locked the door and wouldn't let us out!" Trish explained. The girls decided to call it a day and go to bed.
It was 10:34 at night and Lita couldn't go to bed. She tossed and turned. She thought about Jeff. She thought about the way he kissed her. She thought about the way he winked at her. She thought about the way he looked at her. She thought about how he called her baby. Most importantly she thought about why he hadn't asked her out. Is it because he is playing with her heart? She thought. No, it can't be. Maybe because they were best friends.... and best friends can't be lovers. She thought about this. They have had relations with each other though, so technically they were lovers. She decided to clear her mind a little and finally fell asleep.
"Wake up, red!" Victoria kicked Lita's side.
"Ow!" Lita said and moaned.
"Come on, we're going to get our nails done!" Lita got up and rubbed her eyes. She didn't even bother to change her shorts and t-shirt. Instead she just put her hair in a pony tail and left.
Torrie chose:

   Torrie chose:

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Trish chose:

Victoria chose:

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Victoria chose:

Finally, Lita chose:

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Finally, Lita chose:

    The girls walked out of the salon and into Trish's car

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The girls walked out of the salon and into Trish's car.
"Where to now?" Trish asked.
"Hmmm.." Lita thought.
"Let's go to the pet store!" Torrie suggested.
"We'll be in tears over the fact that we can't get a puppy." Victoria said.
"How about we go to the grocery store, and get popcorn and wine. Also some other treats. Then we can go home and watch movies. Maybe play some games. Ooo even teach some tricks." The girls agreed and Trish drove to the store.
Jericho opened the fridge and searched for food.
"Someone has the go to the grocery store. I call not it,"
"Not it!" Christian said.
"Not it!"Matt screamed. Everyone looked at Jeff.
"Awe man!"He got up an walked out the door.
"Lita, you go so we don't have to all get out." Trish said. Lita agreed and got out. She walked into the store and saw the big line of carts stacked together. She tried to grab one. It was stuck.
"Oh fuck. Stupid ass shit." She said under her breath. A man pulled the cart out for her. She looked up to thank him, when....
"Jeff! Why are you here?!"
"They told me to come get groceries since we had to prepare the meal if we wanted to eat. We're too lazy and decided to buy something that was already made." She shook her head.
"Thank you." She said and started to walk away. She stopped at the aisle the popcorn was in. She had varieties to choose from. Jeff leaned back on a shelf.
"I think you should get that one," Jeff pointed to a bag she was holding. She dropped the bag.
"God, Jeff! Why are you still here? You scared me!" She bent down to pick it up.
"Well I figured you would need some help. What are you girls doing this afternoon?" Jeff asked.
"That's for me to know and you to find out," Lita said as she pulled the cart away. She headed towards the wine aisle. She picked up her favorite wine.
"Better not go cheating on us," Jeff said with a smile.
"We aren't even going out, Jeff. Plus, I wouldn't be cheating on anyone, because I'm not dating anyone," Lita said. He looked at her. He realized that he had never asked her out. She moved along into the candy section. She picked all sorts of candy. Jeff was quiet the whole time. Lita noticed and it felt awkward.
"What are you boys doing tonight?" She asked.
"I dunno," He replied.
"Probably just go to the gym and then to the club,"
"The club, huh? Well look who's talking about cheating." Lita said. She was starting to feel hurt. Would he replace her?
"I'm just kidding, Li. I know that we're going to the gym. We then agreed to stay home and watch movies." He said.
"How funny, cause we're doing to same." Jeff noticed Lita's nails.
"Ooo, let me see!" Without waiting, Jeff grabbed her hands and examined her nails.
"Cool." He said and let go.
"Anyway, I got to go. See you later." He kissed her top lip and left.

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