Day At The Beach

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The next morning the girls were tired. They all went to sleep at 3:00AM because they were playing random board games. Every girl went to the kitchen and looked in the fridge.
"Let's go to breakfast," Lita suggested.
"Then we can go to the park," Torrie said. The girls headed to breakfast. Once they were done, they went to the park. They all bought magazines that were for sale at the restaurant. They stepped out of the car and read them as they walked. Lita looked up, and saw a rainbow haired guy.
"Oh my lord. Why are they always where we are!" Lita said. She pointed towards a bench. Today it was sunny out, and it was a hot day. It was great compared to the weather that they were having. The girls were about to walk in front of them, but then refused to.
"They're going to think we're following them!" Trish said nervously.
"Well we need to get places, so girls hold the magazines up to your face and continue walking," All the girls did as Torrie said. The girls walked as far away as possible. The boys were now looking at them.
"Bro, I think I know who those four girls are," Jeff said as he looked at some red hair that peeked out from one of the magazines.
"Ha, they really can't live without us. Now they're just following us everywhere." Chris added. The girls kept walking.
"I heard what Chris just said," Trish whispered to the girls. Victoria's grip loosened causing the magazine to fall.
"Shit shit shit shit shit!" She said. Lita stopped and tried to cover Victoria with her body as she leaned down to grab it.
It didn't help that she was wearing heels. She fell over.
"You know what, I'm done with this!" Lita helped her up. Victoria went back into the car this time without a magazine. The girls did the same. Victoria looked angry and walked fast.
"Looks like someone is having a bad day," Matt said as the girls walked off. The boys had witnessed everything that just happened.
An hour later the girls were in their bikinis at the beach. It was a perfect summer day. The waves crashed and the winds blew silently. Torrie and Trish were eating ice cream while Lita and Victoria drank some cold water.
"I love this!" Torrie said.
"It's hot out! Do any of you want to go swimming?" Christian said. They all nodded. Soon the boys were at the beach. They were already in their bathing suits and jumped right in to the water.
"Hey, look at those four hot men!" Trish said. Lita looked closer. She saw those four wrestlers.
"For crying out loud! Why are they always following us?!" The girls realized who they were, and ran down to the water. The piercing in Lita's belly button swayed back and forth.
"What are you guys doing here?!" The girls asked. The boys immediately turned around.
"Umm.. we didn't know you guys were here.." Chris said. The boys looked at each other and laughed.
"Calm down there! You girls are taking this too seriously," Matt replied. All the boys took ahold of their girl. They knew exactly what to do. The girls were now being held by the waist. The didn't hug or do anything back to the boys. At this moment Lita was the first victim. Jeff pulled her into the water causing her to fall over. The rest of the boys did the same. The girls all screamed. Jeff loved the sight of Lita. She was gorgeous. He then kissed her. It was a very salty kiss since they were drenched in sea water. They were both still on the ground. Lita got up and brushed the sand off of her.
"I wasn't ready to get wet just yet!" Lita said.
"Did I ever tell you that I like the taste of your cherry lip balm?" Jeff asked. Lita smiled and Jeff licked his lips. She grabbed his hand and walked where the towels were laid out. They both sat down. Lita looked as the rest of the couples played in the water. Jeff grabbed her waist and pulled her closer. Lita rested her head on his shoulder.
"Why are you boys always following us?"
"We honestly don't know where you guys are! It's a coincidence." Jeff said protecting himself.
"We are breaking our own rule. At this point we shouldn't be seeing each other for 3 more weeks!"
"As long as I get to see you right now," Jeff added. He looked down at her. Her hair blew with the wind. Lita was in heaven right now. This was so perfect. Would he ask her out?
"Let's go," Jeff said and stood up. He held out his hand to help Lita up.
"We just sat down though," Lita said.
"Well now we're standing up again," Jeff smiled as Lita grabbed his hand and he pulled her up. He threw his arm around her shoulder and walked her to the water. The couples walked over to them.
"How about we see which couple can stay up when the waves come in," Trish suggested.
"Yes!" The rest of the girls said. The boys bragged about how they were going to win. Each couple held hands and waited for a wave. A huge wave was coming their way. Lita gripped on tightly to Jeff's hand.
"I have a trick. When a wave comes, just jump," Lita said looking up at Jeff. He nodded as the wave came in. Trish was knocked down immediately. Matt got water up his nose which caused him to get distracted and fall. Torrie was kissing Christian... the obviously fell. Now all the couples looked up and saw that Lita and Jeff were still standing.
"Ha, losers!" Jeff said as he picked Lita up and started to spin her. He then put her down and kissed her forehead. The girls walked back to sit down. The boys approached Lita and Jeff.
"See I call this cheating!" Matt complained.
"You two probably pulled a trick!" Chris added.
"We have a couple of sore losers. What? You can't accept the fact that you lost?" Lita giggled and walked towards the girls.
"Good job, Li!" The girls called. Lita sat down on her purple towel.
"At least you girls aren't sore losers, like them," Lita raised an eyebrow towards the boys. The girls laughed and saw the boys wrestling each other.
"I think I might want to pull a prank on these boys," Said Lita with a smirk on her face.
"They'll get revenge on us!" Victoria cried.
"I'm not looked forward to going bald," Victoria said.
"Oh I'm definitely in." Torrie said pulling her hair up into a bun.
"Then you two," Lita pointed at Trish and Victoria.
Will sit in front of us the cover up,"
"Fine." Victoria said with a pout.
"Okay. Torrie start by laying a towel out and fold it in half." Torrie and Lita both did it.
"Now where the towel isn't folded, you dig a hole. This is were the boys will be sitting, right next to you," The girls kept digging.
"Now, you lay the towel out just how it was." Torrie and Lita did that to all of them.
"Girls sit back down and relax. Look up at the sky and let's talk, as if we were just having a normal conversation." The girls started talking about random stuff.
"I think some water just went up my nose and it stings!" Chris said trying to blow his nose.
"Let's go sit down, I'm tried." Jeff said.
"Ow! Shit! The sand is burning my feet!" Christian cried.
"I know it's very hot out," Matt said as they were approaching the girls.
"Hey ladies! How's it go-." Jeff fell into a hole. Matt sunk into the ground with his feet up in the air. Christian and Chris landed the same way Jeff did: with their legs against their chest.
"What the fuck!" Chris screamed. The girls burst out into laughter.
"I have to admit, Li that was hilarious!" Lita started to calm down. Oh no. Now all the boys knew it was her idea. The boys all looked at Lita.
"Umm.. I think I'll leave now.." Lita got up and so did all the other girls. They knew that all of them were in huge trouble. They were running towards the water.
"Oh no, I'm coming for you!" Jeff struggled to get out. As soon as he was out, he bolted to catch up to Lita. The guys ran for their girl. Lita saw Jeff in the corner of her eye. He was close! Jeff quickly caught up to her and grabbed her waist. He picked her up and threw her on his shoulders. He went back to where the towels were. All the boys returned carrying a girl. The girls kicked and slapped the boys on the back. It was no use.
"Now what shall we do with them?" Asked Christian.
"Put us down!!" Trish suggested.
"Nah, it wouldn't be fun," Chris said. The boys agreed.
"Well we could put them in the hole they dug and sit on it." Matt said. The boys agreed and thought it was a perfect idea.
"No!" The girls struggle as the boys put them in a hole. Torrie was the only one who managed to loosen Christians grip and started to run. The boys got distracted. The girls got up and grabbed the towels. They gathered everything and ran towards the car. The boys tried to run after them. The girls ran as fast as they could and got in Trish's pink convertible. They hopped in as Trish turned the engine on. She pulled down the hood and drove up to the entrance. Now everyone was running trying to catch Torrie. They knew if one girl was taken, the rest would come back. Torrie ran as fast as she could. Once she got to the car, she hopped in without opening the door. Trish sped off, leaving the boys behind.

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