Show You My Love

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An hour had passed and Lita was still crying. It was now Thursday 1:36AM. Lita felt a pain in her chest because of how much she cried. She swallowed hard. Her eyes were so puffy from crying. She heard another knock on the door. She kept crying and ignored the knock.
"Li, please open up I need to talk to you." Said a familiar voice.
"Please, I made a mistake. It's my fault that you're a wreck right now and I want to fix it." Lita knew who it was. It was the man she was crying over. She sobbed louder and once again ignored him.
"Fine, I'll just have to wait until you open up." He sat down leaning on the door. Just like Lita. She wiped the tears off her face and made sure the door was locked. She got up and looked in the mirror. She had to fix herself. She pulled up her hair and washed her face. She no longer had swollen eyes, but she did have a red face. She went over to the door, but didn't open it. Instead she sat back down. Her town still hadn't gotten any electricity back after 2-3 weeks. The storm was still here. It was pretty strange, but they had horrible weather. She saw the lightning through the window and jumped at the sound of thunder. She was getting scared. She reached for the door handle, but didn't open it. Was Jeff still there? She looked under the door. Sure enough, she saw Jeff's butt. She giggled quietly at the sight of it. It was very hot so she decided to put on a tank top and shorts. She heard the thunder again. This one was really loud and she jumped. She was now getting really scared and couldn't stand the thought of being alone. She walked over to the door. More thunder. She turned the handle allowing the door to open. Jeff fell back and hit his head.
"Sorry," She whispered.
"It's fine," He got up and walked in.
"Li, I'm so sorry for everything I said to you. I now understand that it was all Test and that he forced a kiss on you. I'm so sorry." He looked over at Lita Who was on the couch. He walked up to her and sat down.
"Li, I couldn't stand someone else kissing those lips. I got jealous." She still wasn't answering him. Instead she was looking out the window.
"That's because I love you, Li." He stated. She didn't turn back. He couldn't stand seeing her like this. He cupped for face and turned her head towards his.
"I love you." He said softly as the words echoed in her mind. She didn't know what to say. She didn't want to tell him that she loved him back just yet. She wanted him to wait a little. She got up and went to her room. He got up and followed her. He knew that she was going to bed. Well if couldn't tell her how much he loved her, then he would show her. He started to get undressed- this time completely undressed. She got into bed and pulled the covers over her. Her stomach started to sweat. God it was so hot! She took off her tank top leaving her with only a bra. Jeff opened the door and walked in without Lita seeing him. He got into bed with her and got closer to her. Lita opened her eyes as she realized that he was naked. She realized because his.. uhh.. nuggets.. were up against her butt. She didn't move. Jeff got so close to the point were Lita could feel his hot breath against her ear. She was melting because of the feeling. He whispered to her,
"How about I show you my love," This time Lita answered back.
"I'd love you to," She turned around and Jeff quickly started kissing her softly. He reached for her waist and soon touched her shorts. He pulled them off. He next went up her back and grabbed her bra. He took that off too. He reached back down and took her underwear off. Both of them were now naked. He kissed her neck and made his way down slowly.
Lita woke up in the arms of Jeff. Oh no Lita just realized that they did the dirty without using protection. She got up and went to the bathroom. She searched through the cabinet looking for a pregnancy test. She bought one before because she thought it was pills that she took when her stomach hurt. No wonder the cashier looked at her weirdly. She waited a couple of minutes. She was relieved when it turned out negative. She wasn't ready to have a baby yet. Lita noticed that she didn't have any clothes on. She didn't care. She looked at the clock 5:34AM. Why was she up so early? She went back into the arms of Jeff.
Jeff woke up and noticed that Lita wasn't there. He got up and changed into his clothes. He tried the lights. Didn't work. It was dark even though it was morning. He walked out and saw Lita on the floor looking out the window. He sat right next to her. She was eating pancakes.
"God Jeff! You scared me," She continued eating.
"You enjoyed last night?" He asked.
"Yes, I did. I love you," She said. Of course, he winked and smiled. She grabbed a piece of her pancake and fed it to Jeff. He ate it in seconds. She kept feeding him until they were both full. He picked her up and cradled her in his arms. She looked up at him and smiled. He walked over to the couch and sat down. Lita sat on his lap.
"What if we had a girls week?" Lita suggested. They weren't going to be in the show this Monday, so she thought about it.
"Sure, I would love to come," Jeff joked.
"We could paint our nails, and do our hair; all sorts of fun stuff!" Jeff teased. Lita laughed.
"No, silly. You could go with the boys and the girls could come over to my apartment."
"Want to get rid of me that fast?" Jeff asked.
"I think it would bring us together since we wouldn't see each other in a week. Also, I'm not trying to get rid of you."
"Well I think it's a good idea. Maybe us guys could take a break from these girl problems," Jeff wasn't taking any of this serious. Lita slapped his arm. She got up and called the girls.
"Better get going because I have some plans tonight with the girls," Jeff opened his mouth.
"Fine, I'll leave." He walked over to Lita and planted a kiss on her cheek.
"I love you,"
"I love you too," Lita said. Then he kissed her on the lips. He smiled and walked towards the door. He was so happy about the time he spent with her last night that he didn't even know that the coffee table was right in front of him. He tripped over it and landed like Superman. He had one arm above his head and the other at his waist.
"This is why we can't have nice things," Lita called. Jeff got up and left. Lita couldn't get the image of him on the floor out of her head. She giggled and fixed the coffee table.

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