Good Riddance

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"Let's play charades," Torrie said. They all agreed.
"Now it's going to be teams of four." Matt explained.
"I will give you each a number: 1 or 2 and then you will get into your groups."
Trish, Torrie, Lita, and Jeff got 1 while Victoria, Matt, Chris, and Christian got 2.
"Oh come on! I'm stuck with all boys!" Victoria complained.
"I'm stuck with girls," Jeff rolled his eyes. Lita shook her head.
"Who's going first?" She asked.
"Jeff!" They all said.
"Great." He replied with a sigh and went to pick a card. He got: making the bed.
"It's going to be hard, considering I don't even know how to do this in real life," He whispered, but everyone heard. He started by patting the air.
"Petting a dog?" Lita asked. He shook his head. He pretended to fluff his pillows.
"The hell?" Torrie was confused. The girls focused on every move he made. He did his best to try to pretend to fold a blanket.
"Cooking?" Trish was clueless. He shook his head again. This time, he pretended to sleep.
"Bed? Sleep?" Lita was getting close. He made a gesture for her to keep going.
"Going to sleep?" He shook his head.
"Times ticking!" The other team reminded them.
"Getting your bed ready?" His eyes opened and again gestured for them to keep going.
"Fixing the bed?" They were so close.
"Making the bed!?" Torrie called out. Jeff pointed to her and sat back down. The other team rolled their eyes and gave them a point. Chris went up. He got:star. He shrugged and walked to the front. He attempted to draw a star in the air.
"Writing?" Victoria called. He shook his head.
"Mime?" Christian called out. He shook his head again.
"Pencil?" Matt called out confidently. Jericho shook his head again. He pointed up to the roof.
"Sky?" Victoria questioned. Once again, he shook his head.
"Roof? Raise the roof?!" Matt thought he got it. Chris shook his head disappointingly. The timer ran out.
"It was a damn star!" Chris slapped the card on the table.
"What the hell does drawing in mid air have to do with a star?" Christian asked. Victoria slapped her forehead.
Victoria, Matt, Chris, and Christian ended up winning.
"Good game everyone!" They all said.
"We're going to the gym," The boys all said.
"We'll go grocery shopping," The girls looked at each other. The boys headed out the door and the girls followed behind them. The girls got in Lita's car and drove off.
The girls were at the store and they grabbed a cart. The girls got what they needed, and once they were done they left. The girls were driving when they saw Jeff's car.
"This isn't the way to the damn gym, and I doubt that they're going home," Lita said.
"Let's follow them," Victoria suggested and the girls agreed. Lita followed them into a street.
"What the hell are they doing here?" Trish asked.
"I don't know, but none of us live here," The girls were so confused. The boys parked outside a small blue house and got out. Sure enough, it was them. The girls parked across the street so they wouldn't notice. The saw as four other girls opened the door. It was Ivory, Molly Holly, Stacy Keibler, and Sable. The girls greeted them and were all over the boys.
"What the hell!" They all yelled. They saw as the boys smiled and walked in. The door was then slammed shut.
"Gym my fucking ass!" Lita said furiously. The girls sat on the living room couch.
"I wonder where they're going to sleep because they're not sleeping here," Torrie looked up at Lita.
"You bet my ass they aren't." Lita stated.
"I want to cry right now!" Trish said as a tear dropped down her cheek.
"Aww, honey don't cry. This made us realize that they aren't worth our time." Victoria and the rest of the girls tried to comfort Trish.
"I just don't know why they would do this to us," Trish said as she sobbed.
"Because all of them are a jackass. Like Victoria said, this made us realize that they're not worth our time," Lita rubbed Trish's back.
"If we hadn't caught them, then lord knows how many more times they would do this to us," Torrie added and the girls nodded.
"I know they're going to come soon, and they're going to want to talk to us, but I don't want to talk to them," Trish wiped the tears from her eyes.
"Neither do I, so that's why we're going to leave a note on the door for them and order pizza." Lita said as she got a piece of paper. The girls all contributed in the small paragraph. Torrie opened the door and stuck it to the door. Victoria ordered the pizza as the girls got in their pajamas. The girls then sat on the couch and watched a sad romantic movie. They were all a mess right now.
"I know what it feels like, girl," Lita said to the girl on the screen.
"Just dump him!" Trish screamed as she cried. They soon were all crying on the couch. The door bell rang and Lita went to go get it. The pizza boy seemed scared of Lita because she had mascara running down her face, and was a hot mess. She paid the pizza guy and set the pizza down on the coffee table. The lights were turned off so the girls had to come closer in order to see the pizza. They each grabbed a slice, and started to eat.
The boys watched as the pizza guy pulled out of the drive way.
"I don't know why the hell Vince would want to see us in Sable's house." Jeff stated.
"I know, and it's so creepy that he was actually there waiting for us." Chris added.
The boys were in the car headed to the gym. Matt got a call from Vince.
Vince:Hi it's Vince. Would you four boys meet me at Sable's house? We have to discuss some matches for next week.
Matt:Yeah, sure. Just send us the address and we'll be right over.
Matt hung up.
*end of flashback*
"Did you see when the girls were all over us when we walked in," Christian shivered.
"Creepy," Matt added as they walked to the front door. It was locked and Jeff didn't bring his key. They rang the door bell. No one answered. Chris noticed a small pink not on the door and grabbed it. He showed it to the boys and they each read in their heads:
Dear cheaters,
I hope your happy with your new girlfriends, because we're all through. We saw as you guys walked into that house and were greeted by all those girls. You boys even had a smile on your face as they put their hands all over you. We're all glad to have found out about this. We hope you all have a place to sleep tonight because you're damn wrong if you think that you're sleeping here. We hope you boys have a wonderful life without us.
Your ex girlfriends
The boys looked at each other.
"They misunderstood this whole thing!" Jeff shook his head and knocked on the door hoping for someone to answer. They sat there for almost an hour and still no one answered. They saw a small light in the living room turn off and a minute later Lita's bedroom light flickered on.
"Well, looks like we've been dumped." Matt said with a sigh as all of them walked to the car.

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