The Things Nature Does

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It was now Friday night, and Lita was alone in her apartment. She got up and went to the kitchen to prepare something to eat. Why make something? Instead she ordered pizza. Lita decided to clean her apartment up a little. She heard a knock on the door, so she went to open it. To her surprise, her rainbow haired friend was standing at the door.
"And what is beautiful lady like you doing here on a Friday night?" He asked. Lita giggled and responded.
"Well the beautiful lady is waiting on her pizza,"
"Very well then, now she will have a friend to wait with," Lita pulled the door all the way open allowing Jeff to come in. She kicked the door behind her. Jeff sat down on the couch and made himself at home.
"Want a water?" She asked.
"No thanks, I'm good," She walked over and sat next to him.
"You know you can turn the tv on, right?" She grabbed the remote and started flipping through channels.
"Yeah, but I decided to wait on the queen of this house," He winked at her once again. Gosh darn, every wink got better and better every time. Jeff put his arm around her shoulder. Lita felt safe. He took a quick glance at her from the corner of his eyes. He saw nothing but red hair. Jeff grabbed some of the red hair and put it behind her ear.
"Sorry, I just wanted to see that gorgeous face," He looked at the television unsure about her reaction. Lita knew so damn well that he had a crush on her. There was another knock on the door. Lita went to get up. Jeff grabbed her hand and pulled her back.
"I've got this," He got up and walked towards the door. He paid the pizza guy and walked in with a pizza box. He decided to pull a trick on Lita.
"Li, where are the plates?" He asked.
"Top left," She said.
He grabbed the two largest plates and fit all the pizzas there.
"Actually I'll bring the entire box," He headed towards the living room with an empty pizza box.
"Let me go get the plates," He set the pizza down and went into the kitchen.
Lita opened the box.
"Jeff where are the pizzas?!" She exclaimed.
"What do you mean where are they- they're in the box of course,"
"Are you serious?! They gave me a pizza box.. WITH NO PIZZA!" Jeff heard Lita on the phone complaining about the pizzas. Oh no. He ran into the living room.
"Wait Li-,"
"Wait Jeff," She held a finger up.
"But Li-," He stopped when she glared at her.
"Okay, thank you," She hung up and turned her head towards Jeff.
"What were you saying?"
"Umm.. well..I..uh.."
"Come on, Jeff. You what?"
"I had the pizzas all along... right now they're sitting on plates,"
"JEFF!!"Lita screamed.
"Do you realize how stupid I look now?!"
"What did they say?" He asked.
"Well, they said that they would bring another box.. for free."
"Hey, look at the bright side; we got another box of pizza," Jeff said shrugging. He sat down and they both started to eat.
Jeff looked at the clock. 10:41PM.
"I think I should get going, Li," He said.
"Are you sure? It's raining very hard and i also hear some thunder."
" I'll be fine it's only a little bit of rain,"
"A LITTLE BIT??!! Jeff, the streets are flooded. I think you should stay here tonight,"Jeff looked out the window.
"Holy shit! I guess I will stay," He said.
"Come," Lita said as she walked down the hall into her room. Jeff followed. She got her bed ready to go to sleep.
"I can sleep on the couch," He suggested.
"No, it would be uncomfortable. You can sleep with me."
" If you say so,"Jeff took off his shoes and got in bed. She went into the bathroom and brushed her teeth. She was in a tank top with booty shorts. Jeff saw her and he wanted so bad to be in bed right next to her. She got out of the bathroom.
" You sure you're comfortable with those pants on? You know I don't care if you take them off. Just wear what you would usually do to bed,"
" Well I then don't mind if I do," Jeff took his pants and shirt off. He was now in his boxers. Lita licked her lips at the sight. She got in bed and pulled the covers over her. Soon both of them were asleep.
"BOOM!" The thunder crackled.
"THUMP!" And there goes Jeff. Lita woke up and looked right beside her. Jeff was on the floor.
" Ow what the fuck! Dumb ass fucking thunder. Scared the living shit out of me."
Lita couldn't help but laugh.
"Yeah, I hope you're laughing when you're on the floor,"
" You wouldn't." She stated firmly.
"Oh yeah?" He jumped on top of her and pinned her wrists. She struggled to get out of his grip.
"Take that back or else." He said.
"Or else what?"
" Or else I'll kiss you and throw you off the bed." Oh no that slipped out of his mouth.
"I don't know about the throwing me off the bed part, but as for the kiss.. go right ahead. I know you don't have the guts to do it." He didn't think twice about what she said. He crushed his lips against hers. Lita couldn't believe this was actually happening-neither could Jeff. Lita kissed him back, and Jeff pulled away. Their eyes locked. Lita turned to look at the clock. 12:36AM. They had so much time. Jeff laid back down and looked at the ceiling. He tasted the cherry lip balm she had on, and licked his lips. She decided to make a move. She jumped on top of him.
" I knew you wouldn't throw me off the bed," She said. He smirked and tried to roll her off the bed. She was holding on to him though. Both bodies rolled off the bed.
"BOOM!" More thunder. Both of them laughed. They eventually stopped. This time Lita looked at Jeff and once again got on top of him. He planted a kiss on his lips. He couldn't resist it anymore. As she was about to get up, he got ahold of her shirt. This brought Lita down. He rolled on top of her and kissed her like he never kissed another girl before. She wrapped her arms around his neck. He picked her up without breaking the kiss, and set her on the bed. This time she broke away to get a breath of air. He held on to her waist and looked her right in the eyes.
"Li, I love you."
The words echoed in her ears.
" If you love me, then hold onto me and never let go."
"Done." He replied. He held onto her with her back facing him. Jeff pulled her closer and whispered in her ear.
"Good night, Li. I love you." She felt the hot air on her ear. Jeff looked. She was sound asleep. Mother Nature had brought them together.

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