A Walk At Night

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The girls saw as the boys left the driveway.
"Finally!" Lita said in relief.
"Let's take a walk around town. I think we need some fresh air." Trish said. The girls put some shoes on and left the house. They didn't care that they were all in their pajamas still. The girls walked quietly down the streets. They were crossing the rode when suddenly a car came speeding through and hit them. The girls were all hurt, especially Lita. Lita had been hit the hardest, and her neck was hurting. The lady got out of her car and checked if they were all okay. She called the ambulance.
"Hello?" Jeff said as he and the boys sat in Matt's house.
"Hi, are any of you replayed or engaged with Lita, Victoria, Torrie, or Trish?" Asked the receptionist.
"Why?" Asked Jeff.
"Because they were all hit by a car, and these were the only numbers we could find on their phones."
"What?!" Jeff said as the otter boys looked at him confused.
"We wanted to know if you were related or engaged to any of them, because those are the only people who can visit them." Jeff thought quick.
"Yea, I'm engaged to Lita," The boys shot a look at Jeff and were more confused then ever.
"Look bro, I don't know if you understand, but the girls dumped us. They didn't propose to us," Matt said and Jeff slapped him. Matt shut his mouth.
"I am hanging out with my friends, who are all engaged with the rest of the girls."
"Ok sir, would you mind coming to the hospital? I will give you the address."
"Yea, what is it," Jeff gestured the boys to get a piece of paper. He wrote down what the woman said. He hung up.
"The girls were hit by a car, and the only way we could visit them is if we were engaged or were related to them. So, get your asses up because we're going to the hospital." Jeff headed out the door and the boys followed right behind him,"
Lita woke up in a hospital room. Her neck was hurt. She looked across and saw Trish and Torrie still knocked out. Victoria was right beside her on the other bed. She saw that Victoria was looking out the window. She had been the least injured.
"Hey Vic, what are we doing here?" Lita said looking up at the ceiling because it hurt her to move her neck. Victoria shot a look at Lita. Victoria was relieved that she was awake. Victoria had been awake through the whole process and knew that Lita was the one who was hurt the most.
"Well, if you don't remember we were all hit by a car," Victoria tried to sound annoyed.
"Oh I do remember. Well, at least we don't have to worry about the boys," Lita said. Victoria shook her head.
"They're probably going to call them, since I overheard the doctor telling one of the nurses to contact a number on your phone." Lita was annoyed by this statement. The girls heard Torrie and Trish wake up.
"Hey girls, did you enjoy you're little walk around town?" Lita asked and laughed. They all laughed with her.
"It was amazing. I had so much fun getting hit by a car," Trish laughed.
"Next time someone says 'what's the craziest walk you've ever been on?' I'll just say well I was walking with my best friends and then suddenly we got hit by a car. Ha ha no big deal." Torrie said as the girls laughed. Four nurses walked in. They all seemed nice.
"Hey girls, we're glad you're all up," One of them said. The rest smiled and did a small check up on every single girl. They wrote stuff on clipboards.
"Your fiancés are here to see you. I'll bring them right in," the nurses all walked out.
"Fiancés?" The girls looked at each other. Before they knew it, the boys walked through the door and stood there.
"Look who it is, the boys who cheated on us." Trish said looking away.
"Look, you girls misunderstood this whole thing," Matt explained. The boys each took turns explaining to the girls what happened. After half an hour, it was 11:56. It was almost midnight. The girls weren't so convinced yet.
"So then why were you smiling when they were all over you?" Lita asked.
"We weren't. We smiled at Vince who was sitting on the couch." Jeff explained.
"I think we need to talk about this, girls," Victoria looked over at her phone that was on her side table. The girls each grabbed their phones and started typing.
Victoria: If you believe them, say I
Torrie: I
Trish: I
The girls waited for Lita. They looked over at her.
"What?" She asked. Victoria pointed at the phone.
Lita: I'm not so sure if I want to believe them.
Victoria: Let's look at the good things and bad things.
Lita: Bad- They weren't making eye contact.
Torrie: Bad- they took too long at their house.
Victoria: I thought you believed them, Torrie.
Torrie: I'm just stating a bad thing.
Trish: Ask Torrie.
Torrie: why me?
Trish:You stated that so ask.
Torrie put her phone down and looked at the girls.
"Really?" She said. The boys looked from left to right. They were so confused.
"Yeah, you did state it," Lita said.
"So put your big girl boots on and ask," Trish said to Torrie.
"Ask what?" Christian said.
"Why did you guys take so long?" Torrie swallowed hard. She was nervous right now for some reason.
"We didn't take long. We were there when the pizza guy drove off. Also, explaining matches isn't a quick thing," Chris added. The girls nodded and started typing.
Victoria: Good- they answer quickly which means they don't have to think of something to make up.
Trish:Good-came here as quick as possible.
Lita: Bad- they're just standing there when they can be by our sides
Victoria: Very very true.
Torrie: Good- they are looking at us with love.
Victoria: What the hell? Looking at us with love? TORRIE LOOK AT THEIR FACES! They are confused as hell!
Torrie: Sorry I had to make something up
Trish: Ok then...
Lita: And our final decision is..?
Victoria: We will be friends only.
Trish: And the only way we can be together again is if they show us that they really love us
Torrie: Don't you think it's a little too rough. I mean they only went to go see Vince.
Lita: True, but we made our decision. Everyone who agrees say I
Trish: I
Victoria: I
"I," Torrie said out loud. The girls all looked at her and slapped their forehead.
"I meant type it, Torrie. Not say it," Lita explained.
"Sorry," Torrie blushed.
"Okay, quit this nonsense." Chris was angry.
"Do you believe us or not?" He asked. The girls looked at each other. Who was going to say it? Victoria was the least shy so they looked at her. She let out a breath.
"We believe you, by until we actually know that you're not lying, we're all just friends." The boys looked at each other. They couldn't believe what she
just said.
"Your kidding, right?" Matt asked.
"Nope, now can you please leave we need to rest," Lita said and she turned around. The boys shook their heads and went to the waiting room. Soon the doctor walked in.
"I hope I didn't interrupt you, but we do have some results," He said.
"Victoria, Trish, and Torrie you girls are fine. Only a couple of bruises and scratches. Lita, you're neck is not broken or sprained, but you twisted a nerve and it will hurt a little when you move it. You will have a neck brace for 3 days and none of you will be able to wrestle for 2 weeks. Any questions?"
(I'm not a doctor so this probably won't be correct)
"So after 3 days, I'll be able to take it off?" Lita asked.
"If It doesn't hurt, then yes," He said.
"When can we go back home?" Victoria asked.
"You can go home in an hour if you want." The girls looked at each other and nodded.
"Alright then, you just have to wait for Lita to get her neck brace and you'll be good to go. Also, I'll you girls some medicine just in case your head hurts." The girls nodded and he walked out. The nurses soon walked in with a neck brace. They put it on Lita. Once they were done, the left the girls alone to change.
"Li, you look like a giraffe," Trish said and the girls laughed.
"This is what I'm going to have to deal with for the next three days," She said as she finished changing into her normal clothes. The girls took threat phones and headed out of the room. They saw the boys at the waiting room. They pressed the elevator button and got on without the boys. The boys ran to catch the next elevator. The girls walked outside.
"Shit!" Victoria said.
"We don't have a damn car!" She added. They all let out a sigh and waited for the boys. They rushed out of the hospital and led the girls to the car. They all got in.
"You girls still mad at us?" Jeff asked.
"No, why would we be mad at our friends?" Torrie said. This annoyed he boys.

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