Girls Night 👩🏻

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The girls opened the bag and poured the treats into plates.
"Jeff still hasn't asked me out," Lita told the girls with a sigh.
"WHAT?! I thought you two were dating." Torrie said.
"Have you had sex with him before?" Victoria asked. Everyone looked at her.
"What? I'm just asking." Victoria said.
"We looked at you because you said it so casual, and yes we have." Lita answered.
"It's only us, so that's why I said it so casual." Victoria said.
"Maybe he's planning to ask you on a special night." Trish added.
"Maybe. Let's just go watch the movie!" Lita demanded.
After the movie, the girls played truth or dare, but they spun a bottle so they wouldn't fight who went first. The top was towards Trish and the bottom was toward Torrie.
"Oh no." Torrie said.
"Truth or dare?" Trish asked.
"Dare," Torrie said frightfully.
"I dare you to call Christian, and pretend you're with another man." Trish said.
"No! He's going to kill me!" Torrie yelled.
"I'll video tape it, so we have proof that we were playing truth or dare." Lita said.
"Okay, but you girls will have my back right?" Torrie asked.
"Of course!" They yelled. Torrie face timed Christian, and put the phone on the carpet making the camera black.
"Hello?" Christian answered. The rest of the girls couldn't keep the laughter in. Torrie moaned. Lita's phone was shaking because she was laughing. The quality on the video was bad.
"Yeah, baby! Harder!" Torrie said.
"Torrie..? What the hell, Torrie answer me!!" Christian screamed. You could hear the other boys in the background. Torrie moaned again.
"TORRIE!" Christian was furious. Again, the girls laughed.
"Oh no! I face timed my boyfriend on accident!" Torrie cried. Victoria did a manly voice.
"Hang up on him," She said. You could hear Christian on the other end.
"TORRIE WILSON! I'M GOING TO BEAT THAT MANS ASS! I'M COMING RIGHT NOW!" Torrie hung up the phone and laughed.
"Did you see his face?!" The girls laughed.
"OMG I'M GOING TO KILL TORRIE!" Christian was about to explode.
"Let's go to Lita's house and find out what's going on!" Jeff said and they headed for the door. What if Lita had done the same?
" I'll go see what's happening, then I'll wave my hand at you and tell you when to come." Jeff said. They nodded and Jeff got out. He got to her front door and put his ear to listen.
" Hurry up, Victoria!" Torrie said.
"I'm going to choke on this!" Victoria cried. Lita had dared Victoria to do the cinnamon challenge.
"Just put the cinnamon in your mouth and swallow it!" Lita told Victoria. Victoria put it in her mouth. She felt a burning sensation. She started to cough it up. Trish gave her water. Victoria was out of breath and her eyes were red.
"You made such a mess!" Lita said laughing. The girls sat back down and started to spin the bottle. Top landed towards Victoria and the bottom towards Lita. Jeff waved for the boys to come out. Christian came out ready to tear someone apart.
"Wait, I think they're playing something. Just listen." The boys all listen.
"Haha time to get my revenge!" Victoria laughed.
"Truth or dare,Li?" The boys looked at each other.
"Dare," Lita said.
"I dare YOU to face time Jeff and do the same thing that Torrie did,"
"Are you serious Victoria! He'll never talk to me ever again,"
"It's not like your actually with another man. You're just faking it, plus I dared you." Christian looked relieved. Jeff wanted to hear what Lita said.
"Fine. If he doesn't talk to me again, I'll kill you." Lita said.
"I promise he will talk to you," With that Lita face timed Jeff. His phone went of.
"Shit!" He whispered. The girls looked at each other. Lita hung up, and looked at the door. She pointed to the door and the girls nodded. Lita got up and turned the door handle. She opened the door. No one was there. She looked back at the girls. It was dark outside. The girls got up and all of them went outside. The girls got scared and ran back inside.
"The fuck was that?!" Victoria said closing the door behind her.
"I don't know, but I want to call the boys." Trish said. The boys walked over to the car and sat inside. Meanwhile, Trish called Chris.
"Hello?" Chris answered.
"Hi, baby. Would you guys mind coming to Lita's house and sleeping over? We heard someone outside and now we're scared. I don't want to get murdered while I'm sleeping." Trish said in a shaky voice.
"Sure, we'll all be over soon," The boys waited in the car for half an hour to make it seem as if they weren't there. The girls ate candy while waiting on the boys.
"I think I'm going to sleep," Trish said.
"Yea," replied Torrie and Victoria.
"You girls go to sleep while I wait for he boys." Lita said. The girls each went to a different room. Lita locked the door. She was now in the living room alone. She walked over to the window and saw that the boys had parked into to driveway. She waited for them to knock. She had her hand on the handle ready to open right away. Matt knocked on the door. The door flew open.
"Looks like someone was waiting for us," Matt teased. The boys walked in, and all of them immediately saw the bottle on the floor in front of the couch. Jeff looked over at the kitchen. The floor was covered in cinnamon. Lita saw that Jeff was looking at the floor.
"Don't mind the mess, we played truth or dare. That explains why we face timed you, Christian. I hope you're not mad at Torrie," Christian shook his head.
"Where are the girls?" Asked Jericho. Lita showed every man where their girl was. They each disappeared in a room. Jeff was now alone with Lita. She walked over to the kitchen and started to sweep up the floor.
"Leave that for tomorrow, red. Let's go to bed." Lita shook her head.
"I'll clean this place up, meanwhile you can get ready for bed," said Lita. He walked into the room and closed the door. After ten minutes, the apartment was back to normal. She went into the bathroom and took one of those pregnancy pills. She knew that they would probably have you know what tonight. She then went to her bedroom. Lita was already in her pjs. This time she had an overly sized t-shirt and her underwear at the bottom. She saw that Jeff was already in bed. Maybe he was sleeping. She got in bed next to him and pulled the covers up. Her back was facing Jeff's back. Lita was about to fall asleep when she felt Jeff turn around. He hugged her close and tight, pulling her towards him. She felt him pull the shirt up a little and he was playing with her piercing. He swung it back and forth. He then outlined it with his finger. She loved his touch. Jeff pulled her closer. Now every part of their body was touching. She put a hand over Jeff's. He leaned up and over to look at Lita's face.
"You're still up?" He asked.
"Mhm. So are you." Lita whispered. She spun around. Now they were even closer. Lita was playing with his hair. She loved his long hair. He grabbed her butt. He was now getting more closer to her private parts. Lita ran a finger down his chest. He loved the feeling of her nails. He kissed her lip making his way slowly into her mouth. Today the girls watched a video on how to kiss better. Lita used some of the techniques. She loved the way his piercing felt against her tongue. He felt her kiss him. She never kissed him like this ever before. They both pulled away to get some air.
"Li, I know I say this so many times, but I love you," He said.
"It would make me the happiest man alive if you were my girlfriend." He smiled and waited for her to respond.
"Of course, I'd love to!" Lita was glowing right now. She kissed him again using another technique. He liked this one better. He was so happy to say that he was taken. He grabbed her hand without breaking the kiss and entwined their fingers. Jeff broke the kiss, and looked at Lita.
"You'll never forget this night," He said. She smiled and he winked at her.

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