Revenge Is Sweet

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The girls were gathered around the window in their room.
"Here they come!" Torrie yelled.
"Good work out, guys," Matt said. They all headed up to their room. The first one in was Matt.
"Stupid door," Matt said struggling to open it. Once he did, he walked right into the plastic.
"WHAT THE FUCK!" Matt screamed in anger. They all laughed, and made comments.
"Look where you're going buddy," said one of them. They entered the room.
" I need to go pee," Said Jeff. He opened the bathroom door and turned the light on. THUMP! Jeff fell bringing other things that were on the sink with him. Including a can shaving cream.
"Dumbass!" Called Jericho as he sat down on the bed.
"OH MY LORD! MY CLOTHES!" Chris was covered in shaving cream.
"My fucking head. Ah shit dog." Jeff said while holding his head.
"Damn tv won't work!" Called Christian. Christian called someone from down stairs to come fix the tv. Chris pushed Jeff out of the way as he was coming out of the bathroom. As soon as he entered the bathroom he took a good damn fall. Chris moaned as he got up in pain. He cursed and got up getting into the shower. Soon there was a knock on the door. Christian went to answer it.
"Yeah umm the tv isn't working," The man checked to see if the tv was plugged in. He plugged it in and rolled his eyes as he walked out of the hotel room. He felt stupid now. Thirty minutes passed and they were all showered. Jeff looked at the clock 7:43PM.
"Who did this crap?" Jeff said holding his head.
"I don't know, but as soon as I find out, I'm going to bust their ass open and throw them out the window." Chris said still angry. That's when it clicked.
"It was the girls!" Matt explained everything to them.
"Well now, we have to get them back." Jeff had a great idea and shared it with them.
"Now Jeff and Chris, you two pull the prank while we bring them here."
Soon the girls were with Matt and Christian.
"So girls, we would like to take you out a little."
"Where are Jeff and Chris?" Asked Lita.
"They went to the store, but can you keep us company while they come back?" Matt asked. The girls agreed.
"Get this one, I think Trish has this." The boys were at the nearest store looking for a makeup palette. They got out of the store very quickly and headed toward the hotel. They went to the girls room. Luckily they left it open. They knew the room because they dropped their luggage off there. Jeff put some baby powder inside of the blow dryer, and made some tape go through the holes of Victoria's hair brush. Chris dropped the makeup palette causing the makeup to break. He then put shaving cream in Torrie's high heels. They both left the room and ran down the hall. They got into the elevator and went into their room.
"We're back!" Jeff called. He saw Lita's eyes light up. He immediately felt bad for what he was going to do to her. The girls left to get ready for their date.
"I'll take a shower first," Lita said and stepped into the shower. 15 minutes later she was out. Trish walked in the shower. Lita was in the bathroom ready to blow dry her hair while Trish was showering.
"I'm so happy we get to see the boys!" Trish said.
"I know maybe this time Jeff will ask me out." Lita replied as she plugged in the blow dryer.
"Well I hope he does," Trish said as Lita was about to press the button.
"I would be so happy for you and Je-,"
"OH MY GOD!" Lita screamed. Trish peaked out of the shower curtain. She gasped. Lita's red hair was now white.
In the room, Victoria grabbed her hair brush and started to brush it out. She didn't need to take a shower since she took one earlier, and so did Torrie. Victoria tried to pull the brush down. It was stuck. She saw Lita walk out of the bathroom.
"I'm going to see the boys!" Lita said angrily.
"I'll be more than glad to go with you!" Victoria said with a hair brush stuck in her hair.
"Oh gosh, I can't wait to see their reaction!" Matt laughed. The room went silent when there was a rough knock at the door. Matt got up and opened it. He laughed at the sight of both girls.
"Wipe that stupid smile off your face, Hardy!" Lita responded. Lita turned the corner of the hall with Victoria behind her. Jeff saw Lita and gasped; her hair was completely white.
"Explain this!"Lita screamed pointing to her hair.
"And this!" Victoria added pointing to a brush dangling from her hair. They all laughed as Jeff got up.
"It's okay girls, we were only having some revenge," Jeff said. He brushed some of the baby powder off of Lita's head making a mess on the floor.
"I hate you boys!" Lita yelled walking out and slamming the door shut. While they were doing that. Trish got out and got dressed. She searched through her bag for her makeup. She opened it.
"MY MAKEUP!" Trish cried. Torrie looked at her makeup.
"Here, borrow mine"
"Thanks, Tor," Torrie was ready. All she needed to do was put her heels on. She stepped inside her heels and..
"EW!" She quickly threw them off, and looked inside of them. She was so mad and walked into the bathroom to rinse her feet off. Lita walked in with Victoria and she took another shower. Victoria on the other hand was still struggling to get the brush out of her hair. Trish was finished and went to go help her. Trish rinsed her hair and the brush under the cold water allowing the stickiness to come off a little. After some hair pulling, Victoria was free. It took the girls another hour to get ready. Lita was wearing a tight pink high thigh skirt with a black crop top. Trish wore the same thing as Lita, but skirt was black and the crop top was purple. Victoria wore tight jeans with a strapless shirt. Torrie wore a tight short dress. The girls were ready to have some fun. The boys forgot to tell them that the date was also a prank...

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