The Youtuber and She's a Dancing Beauty

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''Hello sexy faces''I say waving at my camera ''I just got back from dance practice and i'm all sweaty''I pout walking down the street ''Laura screamed in my ear this morning to wake me up so I punched her''I pause ''she has to go to school with a swollan lip''I say chuckling walking to Starbucks to me get me my tea.''tonight I have to go to Jenn and Andreas for a video and your gonna love it''I say and I pause my camera and standing behind four guys.Hot guys.My phone starts playing Classic by Mkto.''Yellow''I ask standing on my heel ''Connor''My mom says ''hello mother''I snap (I hate my mom she walked out on the family to date some rich dude) ''I want you to move back to Ireland for the summer''she says ''no.I'm  not coming back to Ireland,you walked out just to be with some rich guy''I snap and the guys infront of me look at me  ''bye''I say and hit the hang up buttton.''Can I have a sweet tea,caramal coffee,french vanilIa latte,and a mocha latte''I ask her ''that will be 15 pounds''she says.I hand her the money when she hands me my coffees and tea.I walk out the door and walk down the street to my flat.''I'M HOME BITCHES''I scream through the house ''hey Connor''Austin says ''Hey Aussie and Brad''I say waving and they wave back .I take my tea and sit on the couch ''Guess who I ran into''Casper yells through the house coming out of the game room ''Hey casper geuss what''I say like I have something important to say ''yeah''he asks excited ''we dont care who you ran into''I say sitting back down ''Lads come here and hold Connor down''he screams up the steps.''Mum called me''I say to Casper when he sits down with his friends. ''why''he asks me ''She wants me to go back to Ireland for  the summer''I say eating a slice of pizza ''she's just a fucking bitch''Casper mumbles.

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