Chapter 1; How I Ended Up Like This

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"Okay. To start this off you need to know I don't look like most people" I spoke through the phone.

"What is it, Niall?"

Over the past few weeks, I've had online dates, over and over. But before we go on dates I always have to call them before and explain about my face. Then they soon make up a reason not to go.

"My mom is in the hospital"

"I've got sick"

"Something came up"

A lot of other things.

But the truth is, I'm not normal.

My life changed while I was in 4th grade. It was a normal day, I went to eat during math class in the bathroom like I always do. Once I had finished, I heard load bells ringing. I thought I was just hearing them myself. But no. As soon as I walked out of the bathroom, fire. Fire was everywhere. I had nowhere to go and I had no idea what to do. The smoke was too strong for my little breath, So I fell to the ground in pain. I just sat there allowing the pain take over me. Instead of wasting my time just lying there dying, I tried to comfort myself. So I sang a song. I sang 'I See Fire' by Ed Sheeran, mostly because Ed is my favorite singer and I do see fire. It's pretty much the only thing I can see at the moment. I attempted to comfort myself with the lyrics, holding on to each note until I choked the smoke out. If any song was going to be my last song, it would be this one. I knew that I was going to die. The fire was too high. I let the fire take over me. The fire burned my cheeks. It's crackled all around me, hurting my ears. I didn't bother defending myself, the fire would win no matter what I tried.
Soon I became unconscious but heard the fire crackling in my ears.

"Niall!" A weak, smokey, voice yelled for me.

I responded with a cough thinking I was just imagining it again. Or it may have been god.

"Niall!" Arms wrapped around me, tight, picking me up and carrying me out of the building.

"He is barley breathing" a teary voice spoke, finally I noticed the voice, it was wasn't god, but Liam. Liam James Payne, my best friend. He has just saved my life.

"Liam how could you disobey me and go in the building like that?! You could have died." My teacher scolded him even though I knew what he was doing.

Liam has always wanted to be a real life superhero. He would always find some way to drift our conversations into superheroes. Liam James Payne wanted to be the Batman of the world. He wanted to save people's life's and help people. Which is an amazing goal.

"Please be careful with him." Liam spoke handing me to a rubbery suit feeling, knowing it was either a cop or a firefighter.

I was soon conscious enough to open my eyes to see Liam in full tears dropped down to the floor cuddling with Harry and Louis who were also in tears but not as much as Liam.

The one thing that makes Liam not a superhero, is his sensitivity. But to be honest, I've never seen him cry this much.

A cold and hard plastic piece went over my mouth pumping air into my mouth to help my lungs breath better, but made me fall asleep.

A doctor woke me up along side of Liam in the corner of the room sitting in a chair. Liam was in shock and tears, I can tell because he was in a ball shape, his knees to his chin with his brown eyes peeking out to see me.

His eyes grew in shock.

That was the first of many people have made that look at me.

The extreme flames had burned my cheeks making them look as if I had a bad makeup blush done on them. My left ear had been completely burned to the point where I can't hear through it anymore. And there is no way to fix these things, I will be stuck like this forever.

Everywhere I go people make faces. Sometimes they make a faint scream when they see me, they think I have some disease with my face. All my friends started to ignore me after the fire, at first I had no idea why and then I soon realized how ugly my face really was. The only friends I have now is Liam, who I now call my Batman, Louis, who is a really close and funny friend of mine, and Harry, a curly lovable kid.

My school had also burned down too, making it not able to run our class system. So Liam's mum , Karen Payne, decided to run a private home school for Louis, Liam, Harry, and I since our mums thought we needed education somewhere. The truth is, I did not want education anywhere.

My parents acted the same way Liam did when they saw my face.

Gasp, wide eyes, calm down, and fake a smile.

My mother tried to find out what caused the fire what nobody knew, what we did know was that I was the only person harmed in the fire.

Since the incident, I haven't ate Nandos. I call it the curse meal. It cursed my soul to have me stuck with this face.

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