Chapter 7; I Was There Too

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Zayn's POV (Zayn's Back!!)

Mr. Edwards yelled at the both of us, but we didn't get fired.

He pretty much needed us badly for the fact of low budget and we might be the only workers willing to work for low money.

Then again, we are the only workers.

All he did was made us pay for the damage by cleaning the mess.

I'm pretty happy I didn't get fired, I have no idea any other place that would hire someone who burned down a school. Plus, I like Mr. Edwards. He gives me days off once in awhile when I really need them, and he allows me to come into work late since of the trial.

The only downside to this job is Perrie.

I wiped my forehead noticing I was finished with my side of the cleaning.

"How did you do it that fast?" Perrie asked, only halfway done with her side.

"I'm speedy I guess." I shrugged. "Want me to get started on the orders or do you want me to wait for you?" I asked her.

Although I hate everyone personality bit of Perrie, I still have to work with her.

We have a whole system worked out, I make the dough into a circle. Then, I pass the dough to her and she adds the sauce, cheese, and toppings of the customers choice. Then she passes them onto me to put into the oven since she always burns herself trying to put them in. While we wait, we make more pizzas for other costumers but if there are no more orders, then we make a pizza for ourselves. I get to put whatever I want on one side of the pizza and she puts whatever she wants on her side. Perrie normally put candy such as gummy bears, M&ms, Skittles, and little pieces of chocolate on her pizza that melt nicely into the cheese. I put red peppers, pepperoni, and sausage on my pizza. I'm not much of a toppings person, sometimes I just go with a cheese pizza. Once our 2 sided pizza finished cooking we would enjoy it together in the kitchen.

"No, go on without me, just start making the dough, I'll catch up with the toppings once I'm done." She told me.

"Got it" I told her, heading into the kitchen to get started on the pizza dough.

To be honest, all our dough is store bought. We just buy our ingredients from the store and call them home made. Like how would we have time to make all that stuff homemade in less then 10 minutes?

I could already here the doors opening and people chatting, waiting for their pizzas to be finished.

Perrie soon joined me in our pizza system, putting the toppings on the pizzas.

"I'm all done with the dough. Want me to go take orders for you?" I asked Perrie, noticing she was really under timing.

"Would you, please?" Perrie asked.

"Yeah, sure, keep making those pizzas. Call me when you need me to put them in the oven for you." I told her walking out of the kitchen and into the eating area.

I head over to a table with 5 girls, "Hi, has someone already taken your orders?" I asked them.

"No" a girl with brown hair and a pink too answered.

"Great, Hey, I am Zayn, I'll be your server for today. How about I start you guys off with drinks?" I introduced.

"I'll have a iced tea," a girl with blond hair and a green shirt asked.

"Uh- I'll have a water," A really thin girl asked me shyly. I guessed she was anorexic.

"I'll have a coke," another girl asked giving me a smile.

"A Pepsi please," a blond asked.

"And I'll have a half and half" another girl asked.

"Alright, is that all?" I flashed them a smile since that was what I was told to do.

"Riley, you sure you don't want anything more then a water" a brown haired girl asked the shy thin girl.

Her face went red, "yeah, I'm sure" she gave me a smile.

Guiltily, I said "I'll have your drinks right out for you." Giving them a smile.

I have the sheet I was writing all their orders down on to Perrie, "Do you want me to do the drinks?" I asked her, noticing she was still behind on pizzas.

"Yes, Zayn, I've been calling you, I need you to put these 4 pizzas in the oven." She pointed to pizzas on the counter.

"Oh! Sorry, I can do that." I told her placing a oven glove over my hand for protection of the heat, I don't want to burn my hand like my arm is.

I placed the 4 pizzas in our large brick oven and then got started on the drinks.

I got the half and half, Pepsi, Coke, iced tea, and water before heading out to the table I was helping at.

"Here are your drinks, ladies." I said handing each of them their drinks.

They each said thank you.

"Now, for food. What are you guys having?" I smiled.

"We are just sharing one large cheese pizza." A girl told me.

I wrote it down saying, "is that all?"

They all nodded and I went back to the kitchen giving the order to Perrie.

"Zayn, you know I need you to make that dough." Perrie sassed.

I didn't think about that.

"Forgot!" I said running into the kitchen to my area where I make the bread.

While I was in the process of making a circle out of dough, I heard the bell ring, meaning more people came.

I groaned, this place is normally so packed. We just don't have enough people to work here. It's just Perrie and I. Mr. Edwards always tells us he had a low budget, but I see what this place makes everyday. That's far from a low budget. I think he just uses it as an excuse not to pay us. Which I'm fine with.

"Perrie, I made 15 pizza dough circles. I really hope you can catch up. Call me when you need me to put them in the oven, yeah?" I told her.

"Sure. Remember Zayn! Be polite to the people!" She reminded me.

I take my notepad and head over to a table with 4 boys.

"Hey guys I'm Zayn, I'll be your waiter for today. Can I start you off with some drinks?" Introduced and asked the boys.

One boy looked up at me and caught my eye.

He had the same mark on his face as my arm from being burned in the fire.

The boy looked away quickly thinking I was frightened of his face.

Bravely, I spoke up, "Hey, mate, I have the same marking!" I pulled up my sleeve to show him my burned spot.

All the boys looked at it and gasped.

"Wow. What happened?" A brown short haired kid asked.

"I went to Wavers Public School, got burned in the fire." I shrugged.

"Wavers?" The boy with the burned face asked.

"Yeah.. Why did you ask?" I asked, investigating his burn.

"I was in the fire too." He told me.



Another long chapter.

I feel like I've been making so many short chapters.

I don't like short chapters, but the short ones are normally very important.

I feel as if the chapters with Zayn are the longest for some reason.

Zayn has a lot of detailed story behind him, he isn't such a bad guy.

Yeah he burned down a school, but he has a detailed past story so you guys will understand why.


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